Nicolò Alvisi e Francesco Assini conquistano le medaglie d’oro EMX a Loket

Scritto lunedì 17 Luglio 2023 alle 10:02.

Alvisi e Assini conquistano le medaglie d’oro EMX a Loket

LOKET (Repubblica Ceca) 17 luglio 2023 – Il MXGP della Repubblica Ceca ha ospitato le finali della EMX65, EMX85 e il round unico della serie EMX2T. I corridori europei più veloci si sono dati battaglia per due giorni e hanno visto i corridori più veloci d’Europa sfidarsi per le medaglie d’oro, d’argento e di bronzo!

Le incredibili battaglie in tutte le categorie hanno regalato al pubblico uno spettacolo straordinario in cui Cas Valk del Fantic Factory Team Maddii ha vinto la medaglia d’oro in EMX2T mentre Nicolò Alvisi ha vinto in EMX85 e Francesco Assini è uscito vittorioso in EMX65.



Nella gara di apertura EMX85, Liam Bruneau ha fatto la partenza più veloce e ha condotto la gara. Bruneau ha mantenuto il comando fino alla bandiera a scacchi per dominare la prima gara. Dietro di lui Nicolò Alvisi ha dovuto lottare per tutta la gara poiché l’italiano si è ritrovato in sesta posizione al primo giro, ma ha caricato in avanti per fare ottimi sorpassi lungo il percorso. Alvisi ha anche toccato il manubrio con Riccardo Pini mentre stavano lottando per il 3° posto a metà gara. Alvisi ha avuto la meglio su Pini per finire 2° alla fine e ha anche messo sotto pressione Bruneau nell’ultimo giro facendo segnare il giro più veloce. Pini è arrivato 3°.

Dex Kooiker è stato secondo dietro a Bruneau per un po’ fino all’ottavo giro su 12, quando Alvisi e Pini sono riusciti a sorpassarlo. Si è dovuto accontentare del 4° posto e finire lì alla fine. Sul podio nell’ultimo round in Romania, Dean Gregoire non è riuscito a fare meglio del 7° posto alla fine.

Nella seconda gara, è stato Juan Izaguirre a fare la migliore partenza, ma Alvisi lo ha seguito da vicino per fare la sua mossa entro il primo giro per prendere il comando. Alvisi ha mantenuto la testa fino alla fine anche se Bruneau, che è rapidamente salito al 2° posto, ha fatto segnare alcuni giri veloci e ridotto il distacco da Alvisi. Alvisi ha risposto poco dopo con un suo giro veloce. Nell’ultimo giro Bruneau ha dato tutto per avvicinarsi. La folla era in piedi ma Alvisi ha tenuto duro vincendo gara 2 e andando 2-1 a vincere la medaglia d’oro in EMX85. Grazie alla sua grande velocità e abilità, Bruneau è andato 1-2 per aggiudicarsi la medaglia d’argento.

Kooiker ha dovuto lottare per salire sul podio. Si è ritrovato 5° al primo giro ma ha dovuto risalire la classifica per ottenere la medaglia di bronzo. Ha rapidamente capitalizzato la caduta di Pini per arrivare al 4° giro al 2° giro di 12. Kooiker ha mantenuto un ottimo ritmo e determinazione mentre ha sorpassato Izaguirre per il 3° giro al 5° giro che lo ha posizionato sul 3° gradino del podio. Izaguirre purtroppo è caduto e ha faticato a rialzarsi finendo 19°. Pini ha perso la possibilità di un podio con una caduta al 2° giro, risalendo al 10° posto. È comunque riuscito a risalire fino al 7° posto per andare 3-7 ma non è riuscito a raggiungere il podio in 4° posizione.

Nicolò Alvisi; “La gara è stata bellissima, ho trovato subito il flow in pista sin dalle qualifiche del sabato. In gara uno non sono partito alla grande perché ero 8° alla prima curva poi in gara due sono riuscito a fare un’ottima partenza e sono arrivato secondo e sono riuscito a prendere il comando e vincere. Voglio ringraziare tutti i miei sponsor e la mia famiglia”


Main Photo: Chairman of FIM Europe Motocross Commission Andrea Barbieri, EMX65 and EMX85 Champion, Infront Moto Racing CEO David Luongo

Top Photo: EMX85 Podium

Bottom Photos: 1. Nicolò Alvisi 2. Liam Bruneau



In gara 1 l’holeshot è andato a Francesco Assini che ha preso la migliore partenza e si è portato al comando davanti a Tim Lopes. I primi due piloti hanno ingaggiato una grande battaglia mentre Lopes si stava avvicinando ad Assini. Lopes ha anche fatto segnare il giro più veloce mentre inseguiva il comando, ma poi ha commesso un errore che ha lasciato Assini fuori dai guai per un po’. Lopes è tornato per di più ma il giovane italiano ha tenuto la sua posizione sotto pressione fino all’ultima curva vincendo gara 1 davanti a Lopes.

Il 3° posto è stato abbastanza aperto con Enri Lustus, Loan Torro e Kenzo Jaspers. Lustus è partito bene ed è arrivato 3° per i primi due giri fino a quando ha commesso un errore nel vedere Torro risalire fino al 3° posto. Lustus alla fine è arrivato 8°. Torro ha mostrato una buona velocità ma un errore nell’ultimo giro ha visto il giovane pilota francese retrocedere fino al 5° posto. Questo errore ha avvantaggiato Jaspers che è risalito dalla quinta posizione al primo giro per finire terzo alla fine.

Il vincitore dell’ultimo round in Romania Patrick Cirulis ha chiuso 6° mentre Harry Dale ha realizzato una straordinaria rimonta dopo una caduta al primo giro. È passato dal 37° posto del primo giro al 13° alla fine nell’arco di 7 giri.

Nella seconda gara, Dale ha fatto una partenza straordinaria per prendere il comando. Il giovane britannico ha mostrato un enorme talento guidando la gara dall’inizio alla fine portando il suo distacco a 13 secondi. Questa incredibile prestazione lo ha portato sul 3° gradino del podio per ottenere la medaglia di bronzo.

Dietro di lui c’era Lopes che ha mostrato molta compostezza quando è arrivato 2 ° dall’inizio e ha inseguito Dale anche se non è riuscito a tenere il ritmo di Dale. Lopes ha ottenuto il suo 2° posto minacciato da Torre Van Mechgelen nell’ultimo giro. Lopes sapeva di dover resistere per vincere il campionato EMX65 quando all’improvviso è caduto. Lopes era fuori dal 2 ° e si è ripreso rapidamente per finire 3 ° alla fine. Van Mechgelen è arrivato secondo. Nel frattempo Assini ha mostrato una certa forza di volontà per superare una partenza nella media. Assini è passato eroicamente dal 9° giro al 4° giro e si è fatto strada sul gradino più alto del podio con un ottimo 1-4.

Francesco Assini: “Sì, l’ho fatto! Sono super felice di avere questa medaglia d’oro, la pista oggi era fantastica, tecnica e difficile come piace a me e sono riuscito a mantenere il 4° che è bastato per vincere il titolo europeo. Voglio ringraziare tutti i miei sponsor, tutte le persone dietro di me e ovviamente la mia famiglia”.


Top Photo: EMX65 Start

Bottom Photos: 1.Francesco Assini;  2. Chairman of FIM Europe Motocross Commission Andrea Barbieri, EMX65 Top 3 podium, Infront Moto Racing CEO David Luongo


Circuit length: 1586m

Type of ground: Hard Pack

Temperature: 23°

Weather conditions: Cloudy

Weekend Crowd Attendance: 34,000





Valk, Alvisi and Assini clinch EMX Gold Medals in Loket

LOKET (Czech Republic) 17 July 2023 – The MXGP of Czech Republic hosted the finals of the EMX65, EMX85 and the unique round of EMX2T series. The fastest European riders battled over two days saw the fastest riders in Europe go head-to-head for gold, silver and bronze medals!

The amazing battles throughout all categories gifted the public with an stunning show where Fantic Factory Team Maddii’s Cas Valk went on to win Gold Medal in EMX2T while Nicolò Alvisi won in EMX85 and Francesco Assini came out victorious in EMX65.



In the opening EMX85 race, Liam Bruneau made the fastest start and led the race. Bruneau kept going with the lead until the checkered flag to dominate the first race. Behind him Nicolò Alvisi had to fight his way during the whole race as the Italian found himself in 6th on lap 1 but charged forward to make great passes along the way. Alvisi even touched wheel with Riccardo Pini as they were fighting for 3rd in mid-race. Alvisi got the best of Pini to finish 2nd in the end and even put pressure on Bruneau in the last lap while setting the fastest lap. Pini finished 3rd. 

Dex Kooiker was second behind Bruneau for a while until lap 8 of 12 when Alvisi and Pini powered through to overtake him. He had to settle for 4th and finish there in the end. On the podium in the last round in Romania, Dean Gregoire could not do better than 7th in the end.

In the second race, it was Juan Izaguirre who got the best start but Alvisi followed closely to make his move within the first lap to take the lead. Alvisi kept going at the lead until the end although Bruneau who quickly got to 2nd place set some fastest laps and reduced the gap with Alvisi. Alvisi responded shortly after with a fastest lap of his own. In the last lap Bruneau gave everything he had to get closer. The crowd was on its feet but Alvisi held on to win race 2 and go 2-1 to win the gold medal in EMX85. Thanks to his great speed and skills, Bruneau went 1-2 to clinch the silver medal.

Kooiker had to battle to get on the podium. He found himself 5th on lap 1 but he had to move up the rank to get the bronze medal. He quickly capitalised on Pini’s fall to get to 4th in lap 2 of 12. Kooiker kept a great pace and determination as he moved pass Izaguirre for 3rd on lap 5 which placed him on the 3rd step of the podium. Izaguirre unfortunately went down and struggled to get back up and finished 19th. Pini lost his chance of a podium with a fall on lap 2 as he picked himself up in 10th. He still managed to get back up to 7th to go 3-7 but fell short of the podium in 4th position.

Nicolo Alvisi; “The race was great, I immediately found the flow on the track since the Qualifying of Saturday. In race one I didn’t do a great start as I was 8th at the first corner then in race two I managed to do a great start and I was second and I manage to take the lead and the win. I want to thanks all my sponsors and my family”


Main Photo: Chairman of FIM Europe Motocross Commission Andrea Barbieri, EMX65 and EMX85 Champion, Infront Moto Racing CEO David Luongo

Top Photo: EMX85 Podium

Bottom Photos: 1. Nicolò Alvisi 2. Liam Bruneau

EMX85 – Race 1 – Top 10 Classification:  1. Liam Bruneau (FRA, KTM), 24:59.283; 2. Nicolò Alvisi (ITA, GASGAS), +0:00.344; 3. Riccardo Pini (ITA, KTM), +0:10.789; 4. Dex Kooiker (NED, KTM), +0:15.859; 5. Jarne Bervoets (BEL, KTM), +0:30.786; 6. Edoardo Riganti (ITA, Husqvarna), +0:33.256; 7. Dean Gregoire (NED, KTM), +0:33.620; 8. Ryan Oppliger (SUI, KTM), +0:35.753; 9. Juan Izaguirre (ESP, KTM), +0:44.783; 10. Dani Heitink (NED, Husqvarna), +0:48.513

EMX85 – Race 2 – Top 10 Classification:  1. Nicolò Alvisi (ITA, GASGAS), 25:09.625; 2. Liam Bruneau (FRA, KTM), +0:02.850; 3. Dex Kooiker (NED, KTM), +0:18.242; 4. Ryan Oppliger (SUI, KTM), +0:30.525; 5. Dean Gregoire (NED, KTM), +0:39.864; 6. Andrea Uccellini (ITA, Husqvarna), +0:51.712; 7. Riccardo Pini (ITA, KTM), +0:55.341; 8. Edoardo Riganti (ITA, Husqvarna), +1:00.372; 9. Dani Heitink (NED, Husqvarna), +1:06.409; 10. Alve Callemo (SWE, Husqvarna), +1:10.904

EMX85 – Overall Top 10 Classification: 1. Nicolò Alvisi (ITA, GAS), 47 points; 2. Liam Bruneau (FRA, KTM), 47 p.; 3. Dex Kooiker (NED, KTM), 38 p.; 4. Riccardo Pini (ITA, KTM), 34 p.; 5. Ryan Oppliger (SUI, KTM), 31 p.; 6. Dean Gregoire (NED, KTM), 30 p.; 7. Edoardo Riganti (ITA, HUS), 28 p.; 8. Dani Heitink (NED, HUS), 23 p.; 9. Andrea Uccellini (ITA, HUS), 22 p.; 10. Oleguer Riba (ESP, GAS), 16 p

EMX85 – Championship Top 10 Classification: 1. Nicolò Alvisi (ITA, GAS), 47 points; 2. Liam Bruneau (FRA, KTM), 47 p.; 3. Dex Kooiker (NED, KTM), 38 p.; 4. Riccardo Pini (ITA, KTM), 34 p.; 5. Ryan Oppliger (SUI, KTM), 31 p.; 6. Dean Gregoire (NED, KTM), 30 p.; 7. Edoardo Riganti (ITA, HUS), 28 p.; 8. Dani Heitink (NED, HUS), 23 p.; 9. Andrea Uccellini (ITA, HUS), 22 p.; 10. Oleguer Riba (ESP, GAS), 16 p

EMX85 – Manufacturers Classification:  1. GASGAS, 47 points; 2. KTM, 47 p.; 3. Husqvarna, 30 p.;



In race 1, the holeshot went to Francesco Assini as he took the best start and took the lead in front of Tim Lopes. The front two riders engaged in a big battle as Lopes was closing in on Assini. Lopes even set the fastest lap as he was chasing the lead but then made a mistake which left Assini off the hook for a while. Lopes came back for more but the young Italian held his ground superbly under pressure until the very last corners to win race 1 in front of Lopes.

The 3rd place was pretty open with Enri LustusLoan Torro and Kenzo Jaspers. Lustus started well and got 3rd for the first two laps until he made a mistake to see Torro moving up to 3rd. Lustus in the end finished 8th.Torro showed good speed but a mistake on the very last lap saw the young French rider moving down to 5th. This mistake benefitted to Jaspers who came back from 5th on lap 1 to finish 3rd in the end.

The winner of the last round in Romania Patrick Cirulis finished 6th while Harry Dale made an extraordinary comeback after a fall in the first lap. He went from the 37th place on lap 1 to 13th in the end over the space of 7 laps.

In the second race, Dale made a stunning start to take the lead. The young British showed a huge talent as he led the race from start to finish extending his gap to 13 seconds. This incredible performance put him on the 3rd step of the podium to get the bronze medal. 

Behind him was Lopes who showed a lot of composure as he got 2nd from the start and chased after Dale although he could not keep with Dale’s pace. Lopes got his 2nd place under threat by Torre Van Mechgelen on the last lap. Lopes knew he had to hang on to win the EMX65 Championship when all of a sudden, he went down. Lopes was out of 2nd and picked himself up quickly to finish 3rd in the end.  Van Mechgelen finished 2nd . In the meantime, Assini displayed some willpower to overcome an average start. Assini went heroically from 9th on lap 1 to 4th and force his way onto the top step of the podium with an excellent 1-4. 

Francesco Assini: “Yes I did it! I’m super happy to have this gold medal, the track was amazing today, technical and difficult as I like and I managed to keep the 4th that was enough to win the European Title. I want to thank all my sponsors, all the people behind me and my family of course.”


Top Photo: EMX65 Start

Bottom Photos: 1.Francesco Assini;  2. Chairman of FIM Europe Motocross Commission Andrea Barbieri, EMX65 Top 3 podium, Infront Moto Racing CEO David Luongo

EMX65 – Race 1 – Top 10 Classification:  1. Francesco Assini (ITA, GASGAS), 18:05.678; 2. Tim Lopes (FRA, GASGAS), +0:00.707; 3. Kenzo Jaspers (NED, Husqvarna), +0:06.099; 4. Teunis Spijkerman (NED, GASGAS), +0:06.323; 5. Loan Torro (FRA, GASGAS), +0:13.613; 6. Patriks Cirulis (LAT, Husqvarna), +0:15.504; 7. Maxim Zimmerman (SVK, Husqvarna), +0:24.374; 8. Enri Lustus (EST, Husqvarna), +0:25.814; 9. Santiago Cordero (ESP, KTM), +0:26.780; 10. Gonzalo Salvador (ESP, KTM), +0:27.339

EMX65 – Race 2 – Top 10 Classification:  1. Harry Dale (GBR, KTM), 18:42.433; 2. Torre Van Mechgelen (BEL, KTM), +0:04.927; 3. Tim Lopes (FRA, GASGAS), +0:19.484; 4. Francesco Assini (ITA, GASGAS), +0:25.812; 5. Jamiro Peters (GER, KTM), +0:28.233; 6. Patriks Cirulis (LAT, Husqvarna), +0:35.738; 7. Martins Cirulis (LAT, Husqvarna), +0:39.937; 8. Kenzo Jaspers (NED, Husqvarna), +0:40.706; 9. Kabelo Ledwaba (RSA, GASGAS), +0:44.423; 10. Maxim Zimmerman (SVK, Husqvarna), +0:48.357

EMX65 – Overall Top 10 Classification: 1. Francesco Assini (ITA, GAS), 43 points; 2. Tim Lopes (FRA, GAS), 42 p.; 3. Harry Dale (GBR, KTM), 33 p.; 4. Kenzo Jaspers (NED, HUS), 33 p.; 5. Patriks Cirulis (LAT, HUS), 30 p.; 6. Maxim Zimmerman (SVK, HUS), 25 p.; 7. Martins Cirulis (LAT, HUS), 24 p.; 8. Jamiro Peters (GER, KTM), 23 p.; 9. Torre Van Mechgelen (BEL, KTM), 22 p.; 10. Santiago Cordero (ESP, KTM), 21 p

EMX65 – Championship Top 10 Classification: 1. Francesco Assini (ITA, GAS), 43 points; 2. Tim Lopes (FRA, GAS), 42 p.; 3. Harry Dale (GBR, KTM), 33 p.; 4. Kenzo Jaspers (NED, HUS), 33 p.; 5. Patriks Cirulis (LAT, HUS), 30 p.; 6. Maxim Zimmerman (SVK, HUS), 25 p.; 7. Martins Cirulis (LAT, HUS), 24 p.; 8. Jamiro Peters (GER, KTM), 23 p.; 9. Torre Van Mechgelen (BEL, KTM), 22 p.; 10. Santiago Cordero (ESP, KTM), 21 p

EMX65 – Manufacturers Classification:  1. GASGAS, 45 points; 2. KTM, 37 p.; 3. Husqvarna, 35 p.;



In the opening race, it was Vaclav Kovar who took the best start and the Holeshot. Kovar kept leading in front of Rasmus Pedersen and Cas Valk. Valk quickly took the better of Pedersen on lap 2 of 15. Valk kept charging forward to putt pressure on Kovar. Following several unsuccessful tries, Valk finally made the pass stick on lap 4 to take the lead. Valk edged away to get a comfortable cushion at the lead and kept the lead until the end to win the race. 

After getting passed by Valk, Pedersen kept a good speed and overtook Kovar for 2nd on lap 5 but he couldn’t manage to maintain his pace until the end and got overtaken several times to finish 5th. After getting pressured by Florian Hellrigl over few laps, Kovar caught up with Pedersen and moved back up to 2nd on lap 10. However, coming back from injury, SM ACTION RACING TEAM YUASA Battery ‘s Cornelius Toendel displayed an immense performance as he found himself 17th on lap 1 to charge forward and showed great speed to move up to 3rd on lap 13 just behind Kovar. Toendel had momentum and breathed pass Kovar for 2nd a lap later to finish 2nd while Kovar settled for 3rd. Hellrigl in the end had to settled for 5th.

In Race 2, it was Valk who took where he left in race 1 as he got a great start to take the lead early on. Valk kept racing superbly at the lead and increased the gap until the end finishing the race with a 30 seconds’ advantage. Yuri Quarti, who finished 7th in race 1 got a great start a found himself 3rd on lap 1 behind Kovar. Quarti rode nicely to start putting pressure on Kovar. On lap 5 of 15, Quarti took his chance and passed Kovar for 2nd. Quarti would keep his 2nd place until the end which gave him a place on the third step of the podium thanks to Kovar’s heart-breaking misfortune on lap 13. Kovar’s bike simply let him down and completely stop robbing him of a podium. 

Following an average first race in 14th position, home rider Vitezslav Marek switched on and showed his talent to get a good start going 5th on lap 1 and moving up to rank to finish at a really good 3rd place. Toendel displayed another outstanding performance as he didn’t have the best start going 10th in lap 1. The Norwegian showed his speed as methodically overtook many riders such as Pedersen and Hellrigl to finally get to 4th on lap 13 to give him a place on the podium. He also benefitted from Kovar’s retirement to gain a spot from 3rdoverall to 2nd overall. 

In the end two dominant victories from Cas Valk gave him the gold medal while Cornelius Toendel went 2-4 to secure the silver medal. Getting the bronze medal with 7-2 was Yuri Quarti.

Cas Valk: “It was just the perfect weekend for sure! In race 2 the start was so important and I managed to get the Holeshot and then raced great all weekend. It was a really fun weekend and different from the EMX250. I’m super happy that I am the new champion! I will now look forward to the rest of the season in EMX250”.


Top Photo: Andrea Barbieri, EMX2T Top 3 Podium, Infront Moto Racing CEO David Luongo

Bottom Photos: 1. EMX2T Start 2. CasValk

EMX2T – Race 1 – Top 10 Classification: 1. Cas Valk (NED, Fantic), 29:00.766; 2. Cornelius Toendel (NOR, GASGAS), +0:12.480; 3. Vaclav Kovar (CZE, KTM), +0:20.586; 4. Toms Macuks (LAT, KTM), +0:22.893; 5. Florian Hellrigl (AUT, KTM), +0:24.969; 6. Rasmus Pedersen (DEN, Yamaha), +0:29.038; 7. Yuri Quarti (ITA, GASGAS), +0:34.084; 8. Sampo Rainio (FIN, KTM), +0:41.051; 9. Martin Krc (CZE, KTM), +0:45.726; 10. Jiri Matejec (CZE, Husqvarna), +0:49.471

EMX2T – Race 2 – Top 10 Classification:  1. Cas Valk (NED, Fantic), 31:04.889; 2. Yuri Quarti (ITA, GASGAS), +0:32.587; 3. Vitezslav Marek (CZE, KTM), +0:35.736; 4. Cornelius Toendel (NOR, GASGAS), +0:35.982; 5. Sampo Rainio (FIN, KTM), +0:54.989; 6. Florian Hellrigl (AUT, KTM), +1:01.494; 7. Sander Agard-Michelsen (NOR, Yamaha), +1:18.753; 8. Adam Fridlund (SWE, Husqvarna), +1:20.489; 9. Freek van der Vlist (NED, Husqvarna), +1:21.614; 10. Kjeld Stuurman (NED, KTM), +1:22.611

EMX2T – Overall Top 10 Classification: 1. Cas Valk (NED, FAN), 50 points; 2. Cornelius Toendel (NOR, GAS), 40 p.; 3. Yuri Quarti (ITA, GAS), 36 p.; 4. Florian Hellrigl (AUT, KTM), 31 p.; 5. Sampo Rainio (FIN, KTM), 29 p.; 6. Vitezslav Marek (CZE, KTM), 27 p.; 7. Rasmus Pedersen (DEN, YAM), 25 p.; 8. Adam Fridlund (SWE, HUS), 22 p.; 9. Freek van der Vlist (NED, HUS), 20 p.; 10. Jiri Matejec (CZE, HUS), 20 p

EMX2T – Championship Top 10 Classification: 1. Cas Valk (NED, FAN), 50 points; 2. Cornelius Toendel (NOR, GAS), 40 p.; 3. Yuri Quarti (ITA, GAS), 36 p.; 4. Florian Hellrigl (AUT, KTM), 31 p.; 5. Sampo Rainio (FIN, KTM), 29 p.; 6. Vitezslav Marek (CZE, KTM), 27 p.; 7. Rasmus Pedersen (DEN, YAM), 25 p.; 8. Adam Fridlund (SWE, HUS), 22 p.; 9. Freek van der Vlist (NED, HUS), 20 p.; 10. Jiri Matejec (CZE, HUS), 20 p

EMX2T – Manufacturers Classification: 1. Fantic, 50 points; 2. GASGAS, 44 p.; 3. KTM, 40 p.; 4. Yamaha, 29 p.; 5. Husqvarna, 24 p.; 6. Honda, 13 p.; 7. Kawasaki, 7 p.;



Circuit length: 1586m

Type of ground: Hard Pack

Temperature: 23°

Weather conditions: Cloudy

Weekend Crowd Attendance: 34,000



