H.E.P. Motorsports e BarX Suzuki prendono uno slancio promettente all’aperto

BREA, CA  – Suzuki Motor USA, LLC (Suzuki) ha annunciato oggi i suoi team e piloti in competizione per il campionato Pro Motocross 2024. Costituendo i ranghi più alti dell’Esercito RM, l’H.E.P. I team Motorsports e BarX Suzuki si occuperanno dei grandi spazi aperti. H.E.P. Gli sport motoristici ritornano mettendo in campo piloti comprovati per la stagione outdoor. BarX Suzuki porterà al cancello un talentuoso team di sei piloti nel 2024. Gli 11 round del campionato Pro Motocross fanno parte del campionato Supermotocross 2024 di 31 round.

H.E.P. Sport motoristici:
Twisted Tea Suzuki Presentato da Progressive Insurance

L’H.E.P. Lo sforzo di Twisted Tea Suzuki Presentato da Progressive Insurance di Motorsports si concentrerà sulla classe 450 del campionato outdoor. Gareggia con il veloce Shane McElrath (12) e il favorito del pubblico Kyle Chisholm (11), ciascuno in sella a una Suzuki RM-Z450. 

Shane McElrath (12) progetta di sfruttare il suo solido slancio nel Supercross e di applicarlo alla stagione outdoor della squadra. Con un ottimo quarto posto a San Francisco e un risultato nella top ten al round SX di St. Louis, McElrath cerca di applicare gran parte dell’apprendimento sullo sviluppo della moto acquisito dalla dura concorrenza affrontata nella stagione 450 SX. 

Uno dei preferiti dai fan, Kyle Chisholm (11) continua il suo ruolo di H.E.P. Il pilota di sport motoristici lavora anche con il team sui test delle attrezzature e sullo sviluppo del setup della moto, dove la vasta esperienza di Chisholm SX e MX e la conoscenza della pista sono state un fattore importante nella H.E.P. il successo della squadra nel 2024. Chisholm ha corso forte nel 2024, nonostante un infortunio ricorrente abbia limitato il suo allenamento tra un round e l’altro. Prevede di essere completamente recuperato per la serie Pro Motocross.

H.E.P. Sport motoristici:
Assicurazione progressiva ECSTAR Suzuki

L’H.E.P. Il principale pilota del team, il campione del mondo Supercross 2023 Ken Roczen (94), mira a gareggiare con la sua RM-Z450 in round all’aperto selezionati per lo sforzo della Progressive Insurance ECSTAR Suzuki di H.E.P., in attesa del suo recupero.

Con una solida stagione Supercross 2024 nei libri, H.E.P. e Suzuki hanno ottenuto numerosi podi, oltre a una vittoria di alto profilo, dominando la classe 450 a Glendale, AZ.

Roczen si sta attualmente riabilitando in previsione di un completo recupero che gli consentirà di sfidare alcuni round Pro Motocross del 2024 con un occhio ai playoff SMX.

“La squadra ha lavorato duro nel 2024 e abbiamo ottenuto buoni risultati. Il nostro slancio continua a crescere e non vediamo l’ora di continuare a portare a termine il lavoro nella serie di motocross 2024″, ha affermato Dustin Pipes, Team Principal di H.E.P. Motorsports, “Ken Roczen è nella mischia per il campionato SMX, Shane e Kyle hanno anche dato al team notevoli sforzi sulle impegnative piste di Supercross, quindi prevediamo continue solide prestazioni nella stagione outdoor”.

Toyota Redlands BarX Suzuki 

La squadra Toyota Redlands BarX Suzuki 2024 continua a concentrarsi sulla classe 250 con un gruppo di giovani piloti che hanno mostrato promesse considerevoli e costanti, correndo anche con professionisti affermati nella serie 450 Pro Motocross.

Derek Drake (52) e Max Miller (87) continueranno a combattere nella classe 450 sulla collaudata Suzuki RM-Z450. BarX correrà con Dilan Schwartz (40), Preston Boespflug (128) e Anthony Bourdon (100) nella classe 250 su Suzuki RM-Z250. Infine a salire a bordo come nuovo professionista sarà Leo Tucker (154) per completare lo sforzo della BarX Suzuki 250.
Preston Boespflug di BarX ha firmato una promettente stagione da rookie pro Supercross con BarX. Avendo iniziato nel 2024 con la squadra che correva nella serie Supercross Futures, Boespflug ha ottenuto un ottimo quarto posto nel round Supercross Futures di Anaheim 2, diventando professionista poco dopo a Detroit per competere nella serie 250 East.

“La stagione Supercross del team è stata piena di sfide e momenti emozionanti per noi. Abbiamo fatto molta strada dall’inizio della stagione SMX 2024 e siamo ansiosi di continuare la crescita dei nostri piloti. Le nostre Suzuki RM-Z ci stanno offrendo molte opportunità di successo nella stagione outdoor”, ha scherzato James Coy, Team Manager della Toyota Redlands BarX Suzuki.

Suzuki è entusiasta di collaborare sia con l’H.E.P. Motorsports e BarX nel campionato mondiale SuperMotocross 2024 e attende con impazienza di vedere l’intero RM Army tifare per gli RM-Z di ciascuna squadra ai round Pro Motocross per tutto il 2024.

La stagione del SuperMotocross 2024 continua mentre passa alla stagione di motocross all’aperto di 11 round al Fox Raceway di Pala, in California, il 25 maggio 2024.






Suzuki Names 2024 Pro Motocross Squads


H.E.P. Motorsports and BarX Suzuki Take Promising Momentum Outdoors

BREA, CA  – Suzuki Motor USA, LLC (Suzuki) announced today its teams and riders competing for the 2024 Pro Motocross Championship. Making up the top ranks of the RM Army, the H.E.P. Motorsports and BarX Suzuki teams will take charge of the great outdoors. H.E.P. Motorsports returns fielding proven riders for the outdoor season. BarX Suzuki will bring a talented six-rider team of racers to the gate in 2024. The Pro Motocross Championship’s 11 rounds are part of the 31-round 2024 Supermotocross Championship. 

Shane McElrath (12) looks to take his motocross season to the next level in 2024.
Shane McElrath (12) looks to take his motocross season to the next level in 2024.Courtesy of Suzuki

H.E.P. Motorsports:

Twisted Tea Suzuki Presented by Progressive Insurance

The H.E.P. Motorsports’ Twisted Tea Suzuki Presented by Progressive Insurance effort will focus on the outdoor championship’s 450 class. Racing with fast starter Shane McElrath (12) and crowd favorite Kyle Chisholm (11), each riding Suzuki RM-Z450s. 

Shane McElrath (12) projects he will build on his solid momentum in Supercross, and apply it to the team’s outdoor season. With a strong fourth place finish in San Francisco, and a top-ten result at the St. Louis SX round, McElrath seeks to apply much of the bike development learning he gained from the stiff competition faced in the 450 SX season. 

Established fan favorite, Kyle Chisholm (11) continues his role as a H.E.P. Motorsports rider while also working with the team on equipment testing and bike setup development, where Chisholm’s extensive SX and MX experience and track knowledge has been a large factor in the H.E.P. team’s 2024 success. Chisholm has ridden strong in 2024, despite a recurring injury limiting his training between rounds. He anticipates being fully recovered for the Pro Motocross series.

Crowd favorite Kyle Chisholm (11) races, tests, and helps develop H.E.P. Motorsports’ Suzuki RM-Z450s.
Crowd favorite Kyle Chisholm (11) races, tests, and helps develop H.E.P. Motorsports’ Suzuki RM-Z450s.Courtesy of Suzuki

H.E.P. Motorsports:

Progressive Insurance ECSTAR Suzuki

The H.E.P. team’s premier rider, 2023 World Supercross Champion Ken Roczen (94), aims to race his RM-Z450 in select outdoor rounds for H.E.P.’s Progressive Insurance ECSTAR Suzuki effort, pending his recovery.

With a solid 2024 Supercross season in the books, H.E.P. and Suzuki earned multiple podium finishes, as well as a high-profile, dominating 450-class victory at Glendale, AZ.

Roczen is currently rehabilitating in anticipation of a full recovery that will allow him to challenge at select 2024 Pro Motocross rounds with an eye on the SMX Playoffs.

“The team has worked hard in 2024, and we’ve had good results. Our momentum continues to build, and we look forward to continuing to get the job done in the 2024 motocross series,” said Dustin Pipes, Team Principal of H.E.P. Motorsports, “Ken Roczen is in the mix for the SMX championship, Shane and Kyle have also given the team solid efforts on demanding Supercross tracks, so we are anticipating continued solid performances in the outdoor season,” added Pipes.

2023 WSX Champion Ken Roczen (94) will have his eye on the SMX Playoffs and looks to race select outdoor rounds in 2024.
2023 WSX Champion Ken Roczen (94) will have his eye on the SMX Playoffs and looks to race select outdoor rounds in 2024.Courtesy of Suzuki

Toyota Redlands BarX Suzuki 

The 2024 Toyota Redlands BarX Suzuki squad continues its focus on the 250 class with a group of young racers who’ve shown considerable and consistent promise, while also racing with established pros in the 450 Pro Motocross series.

Derek Drake (52) and Max Miller (87) will continue battling in the 450-class on the proven Suzuki RM-Z450. BarX will race with Dilan Schwartz (40) , Preston Boespflug (128) and Anthony Bourdon (100)in the 250 class on Suzuki RM-Z250s. Lastly coming on board as a new pro will be Leo Tucker (154 to round out the BarX Suzuki 250 effort.

Preston Boespflug (128) and Dilan Schwartz (40) will both ride the RM-Z250 for Toyota Redlands BarX Suzuki outdoor campaign.Courtesy of Suzuki

BarX’s Preston Boespflug has carded a highly promising rookie pro Supercross season with BarX. Having started 2024 with the team riding in the Supercross Futures series, Boespflug carded a strong fourth-place finish in Anaheim 2’s Supercross Futures round, turning pro shortly thereafter at Detroit to compete in the 250 East series.

Boespflug has shown solid progress as a pro, earning promising results at Philadelphia where he qualified well against more experienced riders. Boespflug rode to a top-five result in his heat and went on to capture his first top-ten result. 

Dilan Schwartz, with almost a dozen 250 Pro Motocross top-ten results on his resume, has had his Supercross season impacted by injury. Schwartz has been out while healing from a broken hand suffered while training, Schwartz has been training hard to be ready when the outdoor season’s gate drops later in May.

Handling BarX’s 450-class racing effort is Derek Drake (52). Drake, who hails from San Luis Obispo, CA, has battled a back injury for much of the 2024 Supercross season. Drake has shown encouraging speed when racing. The fifth-year pro was named the 2018 AMA Horizon Award recipient, and was 15th in the 450 MX Championship in 2023, having earned multiple top-ten results.

Derek Drake (52) will run the Suzuki RM-Z450 for Toyota Redlands BarX Suzuki in Pro Motocross.
Derek Drake (52) will run the Suzuki RM-Z450 for Toyota Redlands BarX Suzuki in Pro Motocross.Courtesy of Suzuki

Also riding for BarX on the RM-Z450 is Max Miller (87). Miller, a fourth-year pro rider from Springfield, OR has earned four top-20 results in both Supercross and Motocross 250 classes. Miller looks to enhance his competitive chops as he continues to adapt to the 450 class in 2024.

Anthony Bourdon (100), fresh off a very encouraging rookie U.S. Supercross season, will ride the BarX Suzuki RM-Z250 in select outdoor rounds in 2024. Bourdon, from Hossegor, France, has quickly adapted to U.S. racing, with multiple top-ten results in the 250SX West series.

Anthony Bourdon (100) will take insights gained from his impressive rookie U.S. SX season to select 2024 Pro Motocross rounds.
Anthony Bourdon (100) will take insights gained from his impressive rookie U.S. SX season to select 2024 Pro Motocross rounds.Courtesy of Suzuki

Rounding out the Toyota Redlands BarX Suzuki motocross effort in the 250 series is Leo Tucker, from East Dubuque, IL. Tucker will head into the professional ranks having joined the squad in early 2024 as an amateur. Tucker has shown good potential in the 250 class, having raced multiple outdoor and Supercross Futures rounds in 2023.

“The team’s Supercross season was full of challenges and exciting moments for us. We’ve come a long way since the 2024 SMX season began, and we are eager to continue our riders’ growth. Our Suzuki RM-Zs are giving us plenty of opportunity for success in the outdoor season,” quipped James Coy, Team Manager for Toyota Redlands BarX Suzuki.

Suzuki is excited to partner with both the H.E.P. Motorsports and BarX teams in the 2024 SuperMotocross World Championship and eagerly anticipates seeing the entire RM Army cheer on each team’s RM-Zs at Pro Motocross rounds throughout 2024.

The 2024 SuperMotocross season continues as it transitions to its 11-round outdoor motocross season at Fox Raceway in Pala, CA on May 25th, 2024.

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