Dome già annnciato ieri, in Francia si è corsa una gara Pre-Season con due manche per categorie, MX1 e MX2, ma poi c’è stata una Superfinale con i migliori delle due categorie!

Dopo che Jeremy Seewer ha vinto entrambe le manche della MX1, Romain Febvre ha ottenuto la sua rivincita e ha vinto la Superfinale, chi ha stupito era Thibault Benistant che volava sulla sua YZ250F finendo terzo davanti ad alcuni dei migliori piloti MXGP.

Sotto trovate classifica Superfinale, Video e risultati delle due categorie!

Mx international Sommières 2024 – Video

Sommières International 2024 – MX1/MX2 RESULTS






The Kawasaki Racing Team MXGP dominated the opening race of the French motocross season at Sommières; Jeremy Seewer won both MX1 motos from Romain Febvre while Febvre claimed the SuperFinal ahead of Seewer.

The event was a perfect opportunity for both riders and the entire KRT team to enjoy further preparation for the upcoming FIM World MXGP Championship in fine weather under racing conditions. The brace of MX1 moto wins – and of course the overall classification – were the first victories for the Swiss rider in Green, and Febvre, as last week in Italy, again showed his speed and endurance to win the final race of the day with his teammate in his wheeltracks, nearly half a minute ahead of their closest rival.
The Kawasaki duo will complete their preparation for the opening GP in Argentina on March 9-10 when Febvre races at Hawkstone Park in central England and Seewer at Lacapelle Marival in France next weekend.
Jeremy Seewer: It was a positive day; I’m very happy about my riding, my starts and many things but there is still room for further improvement. It’s good to take the experience out of this and I learned the bike in race conditions; it was only my second race on a Kawasaki and I won two races against some fast guys so that’s good. The organisers prepared a beautiful track with a lot of people and good atmosphere; all-in all it was a perfect day.”
Romain Febvre: “A good day at Sommières with good racing conditions and weather but it was not so easy to pass on this track. My first start was not so good as the gate dropped very quickly and I lost time in a little crash too but I came back second behind Jeremy, and again posted a second position in the next race. My speed was good all day long; I won the SuperFinal and I have a good feeling in racing conditions; we continue to learn our bike, and this week I will again test some more new parts before the next race.”
Antti Pyrhonen: “It was a very intense and busy day at Sommières with timed training, super-pole, two motos and a SuperFinal! Absolutely a great preparation and a great training with great results. We went 1-2 in every motos; our riders were both really strong and it was a good preparation for the future challenges. The bikes were working really well for both riders, we got all the holeshots and we had a really good day.”





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