FOREVER 711: RENE HOFER’S STORY | Official Mini – Documentary

Il pilota della Red Bull KTM Factory MX2 Rene Hofer aveva un futuro brillante davanti a sé. Dato che suo padre era lui stesso un appassionato pilota di motocross, Rene è cresciuto attorno a questo sport e ha lanciato la gamba su una moto per la prima volta alla giovane età di tre anni……..


Red Bull KTM Factory MX2 rider Rene Hofer had a bright future ahead of him. With his father being an avid motocross rider himself Rene grew up around the sport and threw his leg over a bike for the first time at the young age of three.

From that point on he was hooked. At four years old he began racing and quickly began winning races and championships throughout Europe. Not only did he win championships but he broke records as well. Not too long after he would move up to the 65cc and repeat the process.

After making an impression in the mini bike world Rene earned his first ride at the age of eleven for the Youngblood KTM Racing Team in the 85cc class. After a couple years on the team he again became a top contender winning the Austrian Junior Championship, finishing top 3 in the ADAC championship, and 6th in the Junior World Championship.

In 2016 he became dominant on the 85cc winning almost everything he entered and even making an early step up to the 125cc class in the world championship. Although his 125cc career started a little rough finishing 10th he knew he had what it takes to run with those guys.

The next year Rene would finish 5th place in both the European 125cc championship and the World 125cc Championship making a solid impression.

In 2018 Rene became dominant in the 125cc class and even tested the waters on the 250cc class, winning in that as well until the tables turned. Unfortunately Rene sustained a pelvic injury knocking him out of the season early.

2019 was a comeback year for Rene and comeback did he. He entered the highly talented EMX250 championship finishing 4th in his rookie season. On top of that he took a swing at the MX2 world championship for a couple races. Although he struggled at first, by the end he showed that he had top 5 world championship potential. He then led Team Austria with a 12th place finish in the 2019 Motocross Of Nations (MXoN) and earned the Ricky Carmichael award.

Enter 2020 and Rene Hofer was now officially a Red Bull KTM Factory MX2 World Championship athlete. The cream of the crop for 250 class racing. His season began strong leading some laps and even earning a top 3 moto finish in Great Britain at Matterley Basin. Unfortunately a few rounds in his season ended prematurely due to a shoulder injury sustained at the MXGP Of Riga.

In 2021 Rene Hofer made many improvements. Countless top 10’s, many top 5’s, some podiums, an MX2 overall win at Motocross Of Nations, and even his legendary win at the MXGP Of Pietramurata on October 27th 2021 (exactly two years ago).

Of course this isn’t Rene Hofer’s full story if you want that then you have to watch this mini documentary. Rene was loved by all as he was possibly the happiest personality in our sport. His loss was truly a tragedy but we will do our best to always keep him in our hearts. Forever 711.

———————————————————————————————————————– Forever 711 Credits: ———————————-

Written & Directed by: Trevor Knight
Narrated by: Tang Awanda
Special thanks to: Tom Vialle & The Hofer Family


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