Il round 4 del campionato Monster Energy® AMA Supercross ha riportato piloti e team ad Anaheim, dove Jason Anderson di Monster Energy Kawasaki si è assicurato una vittoria nei Main Event 450SX sulla strada per finire secondo assoluto al primo evento Triple Crown della stagione con 5-1- 3 finali del Main Event. Il compagno di squadra della Kawasaki Adam Cianciarulo ha continuato la sua serie di partenze impressionanti per finire nono assoluto (6-11-8). Nella classe 250SX, Cameron McAdoo di Monster Energy/Pro Circuit/Kawasaki ha affrontato le avversità per finire sesto assoluto (8-7-5).

ANAHEIM 2 SUPERCROSS 2023 – Results and Points!

Il duo Monster Energy Kawasaki di Anderson e Cianciarulo è arrivato all’Angel Stadium pronto ad affrontare la prima gara Triple Crown della stagione 2023 Monster Energy Supercross. I due piloti KX™450SR eletti per strategie diverse in qualifica come il numero 9 di Cianciarulo si sono rapidamente spostati verso la testa del gruppo alla ricerca di una pista libera. Nel frattempo, il suo compagno di squadra Anderson ha studiato pazientemente le traiettorie degli altri piloti e non ha deciso di registrare un miglior giro se non più tardi nelle sessioni. Al termine delle qualifiche, Anderson ha piazzato Kawasaki in classifica con il secondo giro più veloce (58.283) mentre Cianciarulo ha ottenuto il nono tempo (59.295).

L’inizio del primo Main Event 450SX ha visto Cianciarulo raggiungere la prima curva al terzo posto con Anderson che si è fatto strada nella top 10. Al terzo giro della gara, mentre Cianciarulo ha guidato costantemente al terzo posto, Anderson ha portato la folla a un ruggito mentre lui e il due volte campione di supercross Cooper Webb si sono impegnati in una battaglia a più giri per il sesto posto. Con il progredire della corsa, Cianciarulo è sceso al quarto posto, mantenendosi saldamente in una delle prime cinque posizioni, fino a quando un piccolo errore al 10° giro lo ha riportato al settimo posto. Con il duo Kawasaki al sesto e settimo posto mentre la gara si avvicinava alla fine, Anderson e Cianciarulo hanno continuato a correre in avanti per tenersi a distanza ravvicinata dai piloti davanti. Nell’ultimo giro della gara, Anderson ha eseguito un prezioso sorpasso per il quinto posto, che ha permesso anche a Cianciarulo di capitalizzare il momento e far guadagnare a Kawasaki un quinto e un sesto posto.

Il secondo Main Event 450SX ha visto di nuovo il verde davanti quando Anderson ha rivendicato l’holeshot e Cianciarulo lo ha seguito da vicino al secondo. Il numero 21 di Anderson ha sfruttato la pista libera e la potenza della sua KX450SR per costruire un vantaggio marginale durante il primo giro. Analogamente, nella prima gara, Cianciarulo è rimasto incollato al gruppo di testa all’inizio, ma è tornato al quinto posto alla fine del secondo giro dello stadio con precisione chirurgica per continuare a costruire il suo vantaggio. Quando è volata la bandiera a scacchi, Anderson ha rivendicato la vittoria del Main Event 450SX con quasi due secondi di vantaggio e si è seduto in lizza per il podio generale. Cianciarulo ha tagliato il traguardo all’11° posto, mantenendolo a caccia di un piazzamento tra i primi 10 complessivi.

L’ultimo Main Event 450SX della notte è iniziato quasi come una ripetizione della seconda gara, quando Anderson ha ottenuto il suo secondo holeshot della notte e Cianciarulo è emerso dalla prima curva tra i primi cinque. Anderson ha comandato la gara con il comando iniziale, segnando i giri più veloci della gara durante i primi giri. Pur affrontando un’enorme pressione da parte del pilota al secondo posto, Anderson è balzato per la prima volta oltre l’ostacolo dopo il traguardo nel tentativo di mantenere il vantaggio. Anderson si è impegnato in un’emozionante battaglia per il comando, rispondendo a ogni passaggio dell’avversario con un suo passaggio, tornando infine al secondo posto. Con il progredire delle corse, Cianciarulo correva comodamente all’ottavo posto mentre le battaglie continuavano per Anderson, questa volta per i diritti al secondo posto. Anderson e Webb hanno portato la folla in piedi mentre si impegnavano in un’intensa corsa per il secondo che ha favorito Anderson fino a quando un piccolo errore nella sezione ritmica ha riportato il numero 21 al terzo posto. Quando è volata la bandiera a scacchi, Anderson ha concluso la gara al terzo posto e Cianciarulo all’ottavo. Il 5-1-3 di Anderson è valso a lui e alla Kawasaki il primo podio 450SX della stagione. Nel frattempo, i risultati di 6-11-8 di Cianciarulo gli sono valsi un altro ottimo piazzamento tra i primi 10 per il nono posto assoluto.

“Le prime gare di questa stagione non sono andate come previsto, quindi c’è un senso di sollievo per aver tolto di mezzo il primo podio. Sento che io e la squadra stiamo facendo grandi progressi durante la settimana, ma per un motivo o per l’altro , non ce l’avremmo fatta il sabato sera. L’abbiamo fatta stasera e questo dimostra che ne è valsa la pena lavorare di più sulle partenze. È stato fantastico riuscire di nuovo a girare in testa e ottenere la vittoria nel secondo evento principale. Stasera è stata una serata fantastica per noi e non vedo l’ora di mantenere lo slancio il prossimo fine settimana”.

–       Jason Anderson

“Tutto sommato è stata una buona notte per noi come squadra, stasera ho fatto tre buone partenze e ho avuto modo di mescolarmi ancora una volta davanti al gruppo di testa. È promettente vedere che posso partire costantemente davanti e tenermi con loro per buona parte della gara.Direi che stasera è stata un’altra notte di successo di costante miglioramento. Sono pronto per tornare al lavoro questa settimana e fare un altro bel giro per i fan il prossimo fine settimana a Houston. ”

–       Adam Cianciarulo







Round 4 of the Monster Energy® AMA Supercross Championship brought riders and teams back to Anaheim where Monster Energy Kawasaki’s Jason Anderson secured a 450SX Main Event win on his way to finishing second overall at the first Triple Crown event of the season with 5-1-3 Main Event finishes. Kawasaki teammate Adam Cianciarulo continued his string of impressive starts to finish ninth overall (6-11-8). In the 250SX Class, Monster Energy/Pro Circuit/Kawasaki’s Cameron McAdoo endured adversity to finish sixth overall (8-7-5).

The Monster Energy Kawasaki duo of Anderson and Cianciarulo rode into Angel Stadium ready to take on the first Triple Crown race of the 2023 Monster Energy Supercross season. The two KX450SR riders elected for differing strategies in qualifying as the No.9 of Cianciarulo was quick to move towards the front of the group in search of a clear track. Meanwhile, his teammate Anderson patiently studied the forming lines from other riders and didn’t set out to record a best lap until later in the sessions. When the qualifying sessions concluded, Anderson placed Kawasaki on the leaderboard with the second-fastest lap (58.283) while Cianciarulo clocked in as ninth fastest (59.295).

The start of the first 450SX Main Event saw the No.9 of Cianciarulo reach the first turn in third with Anderson working his way into the top 10. On the third lap of the race, as Cianciarulo rode steadily in third, Anderson brought the crowd to a roar as he and two-time supercross champion Cooper Webb engaged in a multi-lap battle for sixth. As racing progressed, Cianciarulo moved down to fourth, holding on strong to a top-five position, until a small mistake on Lap 10 shuffled him back to seventh. With the Kawasaki duo running sixth and seventh as the race neared its end, Anderson and Cianciarulo continued racing forward to keep within striking distance of the riders ahead. On the final lap of the race, Anderson executed a valuable pass for fifth, which also allowed Cianciarulo to capitalize on the moment and earn Kawasaki a fifth and sixth-place result.

The second 450SX Main Event saw green up front again as Anderson claimed the holeshot and Cianciarulo followed close behind in second. The No.21 of Anderson utilized the clear track ahead and the power of his KX450SR to build a marginal lead during the opening lap. Similarly, to the first race, Cianciarulo stayed glued to the lead pack early but shuffled back to fifth by the end of Lap 2. The battle over second continued behind Anderson as he comfortably executed the long and technical rhythm section stretching down the third base side of the stadium with surgeon-like precision to continue building his lead. When the checkered flag flew, Anderson claimed the wire to wire 450SX Main Event 2 win with nearly a two second lead and sat in contention for the overall podium. Cianciarulo crossed the finish line in 11th, keeping him in the hunt for an overall top-10 finish.

The final 450SX Main Event of the night began as a near repeat of the second race as Anderson claimed his second holeshot of the night and Cianciarulo emerged from the first turn inside the top five. Anderson commanded the race with the early lead, setting the fastest laps of the race during the opening laps. While dealing with immense pressure from the rider in second, Anderson leapt all the way over the dragon’s back obstacle after the finish line for the first time in an effort to maintain his lead. Anderson engaged in a thrilling battle for the lead, answering each pass from the opponent with a pass of his own, ultimately shuffling back to second. As racing progressed, Cianciarulo was racing comfortably in eighth while the battles continued for Anderson, this time for the rights to second place. Anderson and Webb brought the crowd to their feet as they engaged in an intense race for second that favored Anderson until a small mistake in the back rhythm section moved the No.21 back to third. When the checkered flag flew, Anderson finished the race in third and Cianciarulo in eighth. The 5-1-3 finishes by Anderson earned him and Kawasaki their first 450SX podium of the season. Meanwhile, Cianciarulo’s 6-11-8 results earned him another strong top-10 finish for ninth overall. 

“The first few races this season didn’t go as planned so there’s a sense of relief to get the first podium out of the way. I feel like the team and I are making great progress throughout the week, but for one reason or another, we weren’t getting it done on Saturday nights. We got it done tonight and it goes to show all that extra work on starts was worth it. It felt great getting to lead laps again and getting the win in the second main event. Tonight was a great night for us and I look forward to keeping the momentum rolling next weekend.”

–       Jason Anderson

“All-in-all it was a good night for us as a team, I had three good starts tonight and got to mix it up front with the lead group once again. It’s promising to see that I can consistently start up front and hold my own with them for a good portion of the race. I’d say tonight was another successful night of steady improvement. I’m ready to get back to work this week and put on another good ride for the fans next weekend in Houston.”

–       Adam Cianciarulo


With back-to-back podium finishes under his belt, McAdoo came into Anaheim carrying notable momentum and eyed his first win of the season. In classic McAdoo fashion, the Iowa native was one of the first to hit the track during timed qualifying as he set out to demonstrate his race-winning speed. The No.48 KX250 rider looked poised for a pole position, setting the fifth fastest lap time in the session (59.708), until a crash in the whoops resulted in McAdoo being escorted to the on-site medical rig. Once cleared by the medics, McAdoo proved his toughness by participating in the second timed session and still qualifying for the night show as the seventh-fastest rider. 

When the gate fell for 250SX Main Event 1, McAdoo emerged from the first turn racing inside the top 10. In the opening laps, McAdoo remained steadily in eighth position. Conserving his energy, he patiently waited for his opportunity to make a move and on Lap 5 McAdoo did just that by taking firm control of seventh place. A late-race push by the competition saw McAdoo do all he could to keep his opponents at bay ultimately finishing the race in eighth. 

In 250SX Main Event 2, McAdoo executed an exceptional start, reaching the first turn in second place. Impressively matching the pace of the leader, McAdoo found himself in a battle with the leaders on the opening lap. As the battles ensued, the No.48 tipped over in a turn but quickly remounted his bike to remain inside the top 10. Matching the form he displayed in the first race; McAdoo slowly began advancing. The Iowa native lit up the crowd as he made his way up to seventh. Cheers roared once again as the hard-charging McAdoo moved to sixth late in the race. However, the impressive charge was halted as a last lap pass by the rider behind saw the No.48 finish the second Main in seventh.

In the final 250SX Main Event of the night, McAdoo launched out the gate to another top-10 start and finished the opening lap running in sixth. On Lap 2, McAdoo moved into fifth and quickly separated himself from his opponents. As the track continued to break down, McAdoo began settling into a rhythm and impressively took control of fourth place by Lap 5. A battle for fourth began as the time was winding down and ultimately resulted in McAdoo finishing the race with an impressive fifth place. The determination and consistency of McAdoo’s performance were strong enough to move the No.48 rider forward to second place in the championship points standings with an inspiring sixth-place result (8-7-5).

“I came into this round looking to compete for a win but having a big moment in practice forced us to take a different approach towards the race. I knew I was banged up but there was no doubt in my mind I was going to go racing. I toughened out those three main events tonight and managed to move forward in the championship standings. The break for us Western Regional riders comes at a perfect time as I plan to let my body rest and recover before we come back and continue to battle for the championship.”

– Cameron McAdoo





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