GP of Spain 2015 – Rider comments!

Jonass flat

Sotto ad un bellissimo sole nella bellissima pista di Talavera de la Reina, si è disputato il GP Spagnolo, gare epihe, colpi di scena incredibili, ma alla fine i vincitori hanno alzato i trofei per festeggiare le imprese, a voi i commenti dei piloti!

Buona lettura!

Qui tutti i risultati del GP di Spagna 2015 CLICCANDO il link!


Valentin Guillod: “E ‘una sensazione incredibile, ma devo davvero ringraziare Il Team Construct Yamaha Yamalube, il mio team manager Tim, il mio allenatore Yves Demaria, il meccanico, la mia famiglia e tutti quelli vicino a me. Abbiamo lavorato molto duramente in queste ultime settimane perché le cose non stavano andando come volevamo ma alla fine abbiamo trovato il giusto set-up ed è stato fantastico là fuori. Quando sono arrivato sul traguardo non sapevo che avevo vinto il GP. Sapevo di avere la manche … ma quando mi hanno detto che avevo il GP è stato incredibile. Stavo guidando accanto a Dylan e ho cercato di superarlo, ma non ci sono riuscito. Ho cercato di trovare una soluzione e alla fine ho potuto superarlo. Sono venuto qui volendo ottenere il meglio nei cinque, ma per vincere il GP è ‘crazy’! “.

Jeffrey Herlings: “Ho sicuramente avuto una buona partenza nella prima manche, ha vinto ed è rimasto fuori dai guai. Non ho avuto un buon inizio nel secondo ed è stato in giro decimo. Ho lavorato la mia strada fino al sesto e poi ho avuto una brutta caduta. Ma sono tornato dal fondo del campo e quasi vinto il generale. C’è del lavoro da fare, ma ho ancora ottenuto alcuni buoni punti per il campionato. ”

Jordi Tixier: “E ‘sempre bello essere sul podio, anche se tutti sanno che non riesco a dare il meglio quando fa così caldo. Ho fatto una buona gara di qualifica ieri nonostante una caduta all’ultimo giro, oggi ho avuto abbastanza buone partenze in entrambe le gare. Non mi sentivo così bene durante i primi dieci minuti della gara di apertura, ma poi ho trovato un buon ritmo. Nella seconda manche era tutto a posto nei primi dieci minuti, ma poi ho iniziato ad avere i crampi allo stomaco e non riuscivo a tenere il passo. Questo è tutto, continueremo a lavorare per essere più forti nelle prossime gare. ”

Pauls Jonass: «Ho faticato con la pista nella seconda manche e non ho trovato il ritmo. Non è il risultato che volevo, ma ho ottenuto buoni punti e questo è importante per il campionato “.

Clement Desalle: “La prima manche è stata buona e le mie partenze non erano holeshots ma tra i primi tre. Mi è stato impossibile avvicinarmi effettivamente perchè avevamo la stessa velocità massima, ma la pista era molto difficile per il sorpasso. In gara due ho fatto un kicker sul salto d’arrivo e andai in avanti. Mi ero quasi salvato. Ho piegato il manubrio. Ho ricominciato e ho finito quinto, ma era molto difficile fisicamente. Non erano i risultati che volevo oggi … voglio vincere! Torniamo al lavoro e vediamo alla prossima volta. ”

Evgeny Bobryshev: “E ‘stato molto caldo in questo weekend e la pista non è la mia preferita, così è stato un weekend difficile. Qui ci sono luoghi molto stretti e duri così ho faticato un po ‘con la velocità. Ma comunque, nella prima gara ho avuto una brutto salto dal cancello ed ero davvero nella parte posteriore del gruppo, ma ho superato parecchi piloti e sono arrivato al nono posto. Poi sono riuscito ad arrivare fino al sesto, ma poi c’era un divario così grande e non ho potuto fare di più e così sono rimasto sesto. “La seconda gara è andata abbastanza bene però. Sono stato nelle prime curve in una buona posizione così ho fatto alcuni passaggi ed ero quinto. Poi, dopo un paio di giri mi sono trasferito in quarta e sono stato lì fino alla fine. Stavo cercando di andare avanti, ma non riuscivo ad andare d’accordo con questa pista e per me è stato difficile trovare feeling senza commettere qualche errore, così controllavo il ritmo dietro di me. Di sicuro avrei voluto arrivare a podio, ma sono davvero felice di aver avuto gare costanti. Abbiamo fatto alcuni cambiamenti da ieri così grazie al team ci stiamo arrivando “.

Gautier Paulin: “Nella seconda curva sono stato colpito da Waters in gara due. Non so quello che ha fatto, ma aveva come un incidente dall’altro lato e mi ha colpito molto duramente e sono andato a terra. Non ero così lontano dalle buone posizioni, così sono frustrato da questo. E ‘più o meno lo stesso scenario della Thailandia, dove abbiamo una buona qualifica, ma la Domenica non siamo riusciti finalizzarre.
“Era un po’ più tecnica gara due perché era sempre più rovinata la pista e quindi c’era più differenza tra i piloti. Stavo guidando ad un secondo dalla vetta dei leader, anche quando passavo i piloti venendo da dietro, questo non era davvero troppo male. La sensazione è buona, non ho bisogno di dimostrare niente, solo che dobbiamo cominciare nella parte anteriore su piste come questa, dove una volta che sei in fondo è quasi impossibile arrivare davanti. Ho fatto del mio meglio, ma non ho potuto lottare con i piloti nella parte anteriore. Non sono contento della mia Domenica e so che potevo fare qualcosa qui, è piuttosto frustrante. ”

Kevin Strijbos: “La prima gara non era male. Ero un po ‘titubante nelle partenze, ma ho lavorato la mia strada fino all’ottavo posto nella prima manche. Sinceramente non ero così felice con la mia guida e non trovavo le buone linee. Ero troppo lento e mi sono stancato. Ho ottenuto un buon salto fuori dal cancello nella seconda manche, ma sembrava avessi iniziato la frenata a metà del rettilineo di partenza! Non volevo andare in contatto e cadere. E ‘stato difficile e mi mancava la resistenza. Il polso era buono e non dava problemi. Speriamo che sarò OK Lunedi e iniziare a costruire il ritorno, con qualche allenamento vero e proprio. ”

Glenn Coldenhoff: “Ieri mi sentivo grande qui fino alla caduta e mi sono fatto male. Il dolore era troppo nella prima manche e la gente di qui ha fatto tutto il possibile per aiutarmi con il taping ed è stata una grande assistenza ma … io ancora non riuscivo davvero a tenere la moto. Ho preso alcuni antidolorifici per la seconda manche, c’è stato un miglioramento, anche se la mia partenza non è stata ottima. Non riuscivo a guidare come volevo, ma penso che 19-15 è buono quando sai quello che è successo ieri. Abbiamo un fine settimana out e vorrei fare un evento in Belgio, ma lo salterò e farò alcuni raggi X domani. Non sarò in sella questa settimana e vedremo come va. Spero di stare meglio per la Gran Bretagna. ”

Tyla Rattray: “E ‘stato un buon weekend per me, anche se ho fatto un errore al cancello nella gara di qualifica così sono partito male per Domenica. Ma sono riuscito a ottenere due grandi partenze e ho finito settimo e ottavo; la pista era molto rovinata e faceva molto caldo e quindi era una corsa dura, ma sono felice del fatto che ho avuto due corse solide e tra i primi cinque per molto tempo. Noi continueremo a lavorare duramente queste prossime settimane e non vedo l’ora di correre in Inghilterra “.

Julien Lieber: “Non ho avuto il giusto feeling con la moto questo fine settimana. Noi avevamo fatto un sacco di test, ma qui non funzionavano. Non ero soddisfatto della mia guida e anche il risultato nella prima manche. Abbiamo fatto un sacco di modifiche per la seconda manche e abbiamo potuto vedere qualche differenza già dall’inizio. Ho avuto un piccolo incidente, ma finire quinto è un buon modo per terminare il GP “.

Petar Petrov: “Ci sono stati un sacco di aspetti positivi del fine settimana e Sabato era buono con la sesta posizione. Nella prima gara ho avuto una partenza orribile ma la mia guida era OK; Non riuscivo a trovare un modo per passare in dodicesima posizione. La seconda partenza è stata molto meglio ed è stato bello poter lottare con Jonass, Anstie e Jeffrey. Ho finito undicesimo, quindi nel complesso i risultati non sono eccezionali, ma la mia guida sta migliorando. Mi sento bene e non vedo l’ora del prossimo GP ora. ”

Max Anstie: “Ho avuto una giornata molto solida, ho ottenuto alcuni buoni punti in campionato. Ho avuto una forte prima gara, ma ho voluto risparmiare qualche energia per la seconda gara e non ho spinto troppo forte; era difficile sapere ciò che era meglio. Ho pensato “posso provare ad attaccare, ma è necessario essere aggressivi per passare qui, o devo solo conservare l’energia”. Ho voluto mantenere l’energia per la seconda gara, ma non era la stessa pista. E ‘stato un disastro; hanno bagnato tanto la pista. Mi sono intruppato alla partenza e poi sono quasi caduto quando Jeffrey si è schiantato. Sappiamo cosa possiamo fare su una pista dura, e noi continueremo a lavorare sulla moto per essere pronti per Matterley Basin. ”

Dylan Ferrandis: “Mi sentivo fiducioso durante le sessioni di prove, ma nella gara di qualifica sono caduto abbastanza duro sulla mia testa quando ho provato a passare Jordi. Non mi ricordo esattamente quello che è successo, e poi questa mattina mi sono ferito al ginocchio e avevo qualche dolore per tutto il giorno. La mia prima partenza non era così buona, ma dopo che ho passato Saragozza il disco del freno posteriore si è rotto anche se non riesco a spiegarmi dove e quando! Sono stato molto felice di prendere l’holeshot nella seconda gara, ma al terzo giro ho di nuovo colpito il terreno con il mio ginocchio e non sono riuscito a mantenere lo stesso ritmo. Torno a casa ora, e avrò ulteriori esami al ginocchio. ”

Aleksandr Tonkov: “La pista era molto veloce questo weekend e il risultato fu che quasi tutti erano sullo stesso tipo di ritmo. La mia FC 250 è stata perfetta fuori dal cancello in gara uno e ho afferrato l’holeshot, ho guidato per un po ‘, ma ho fatto qualche piccolo errore e sono scivolato di nuovo al quinto posto. Stavo spingendo per un altro holeshot in gara due, ma troppo pattinamento delle ruote, ero messo male alla prima curva, ho abbassato la testa per la via del ritorno dal 14 fino all’ottavo, è stato un buon recupero. ”

Todd Waters: “Ho montato un ammortizzatore che doveva essere migliore. Ho guidato bene in gara uno dopo aver ottenuto un ottimo inizio. Il ritmo era caldo e pesante in attacco, ma ho dato tutto me stesso e ho finito al nono posto. E ‘andata un po’ peggio in gara due quando sono caduto alla partenza e si è rotta la leva della frizione. Ho continuato di nuovo, ma era difficile in quelle salite e discese senza frizione. Mi è costato un risultato buono. ”

Dean Ferris: “Ho avuto una grande partenza in gara uno e ho preso la terza posizione fase iniziale. Ma ero un pò teso, così mi si sono indurite le braccia. Riuscivo a malapena a frenare. Ero un po ‘triste perché avevo finalmente avuto la partenza di cui avevo bisogno. Quattordicesima e 16 non sono i risultati che voglio, ma ora che ho capito che inizio bene spero di poter fare una bella corsa, alla fine è più semplice davanti”.

Thomas Covington: “Ero contento della mia gara di qualifica il Sabato; la corsa è così facile quando hai un holeshot! Nella prima manche ho avuto una brutta partenza ed è sempre difficile risalire attraverso il gruppo su questa pista. Nella seconda manche ho avuto un inizio migliore, ma non avevo più energia; Sono stato male tutta la settimana e il mio corpo era un po ‘stanco. Ma noi continueremo a lavorare e cercare di fare meglio nelle prossime gare. La gara di qualifica mi ha dato un po ‘di fiducia in più; Mi sono fatto vedere, so cosa posso fare, ora ho solo bisogno di mettere tutti i pezzi del puzzle insieme. ”

Jeremy Seewer: “Mi sentivo abbastanza bene in pista e la mia velocità era lì per tutto il weekend. Oggi ho avuto un po ‘di sfortuna, perché nella prima gara ho avuto una buona partenza in terza posizione ma poi Anstie ha attraversato la linea e mi ha colpito. Io ero molto indietro e ho usato un sacco di energia per tornare al 10 ° su una pista che non è facile per superare. La mia guida era buona. Ho quasi avuto la holeshot nella seconda manche ma Ferrandis mi ha trascinato largo. Ero sesto o settimo, seguito da Lieber quando ho fatto un piccolo errore e sono caduto. La mia forza è andata un po ‘dopo e mi sono focalizzato sul mantenere il sesto posto sicuro “.




A big weekend for Valentin Guillod and Antonio Cairoli, but many riders had good weekends, and some just struggled in the warm conditions. Check out what everyone thought right here at mxlarge.

Valentin Guillod: “It is such a great feeling but I really have to thank the Standing Construct Yamaha Yamalube team, my team manager Tim, my trainer Yves Demaria, mechanic, my family and everybody next to me. We worked really hard these last few weeks because things were not going how we wanted but finally we found the right set-up and it was great out there. When I came over the finish line I did not know I had won the GP. I knew I had the race… but when they said the GP then that was awesome. I was riding next to Dylan and I tried to pass him but couldn’t. I tried to find a solution and finally could make it happen. I came here wanting to get top fives but to win the GP is ‘sick’!”

Antonio Cairoli: “Yeah, I think it is the time to make some changes and get some new motivation. We test a lot with the new 450 and I like it a lot. I was sure I should ride with it from the first race (of the season) but I was not so fit. I still had some injury problems from the Nations (MXoN). The ‘350’ (KTM 350 SX-F) was our ‘baby’ and we brought it to the top. I won a lot of races and championships with the bike, but its time for new challenges.”

Max Nagl: “It’s been another fantastic weekend. Ok, winning would have been perfect but we tied on points for the victory, so that’s close enough. I know I say it a lot but I can’t thank my team enough for their tireless efforts. They worked so hard on Saturday to make the bike perfect for race day. Taking the holeshot helped so much and I felt like I had good control of the race. In race two I made a small wheelie out of the gate and wasn’t able to get the holeshot. Then a rock broke the roll-off system on my goggles so I had to be careful with my vision. Antonio had the pace in that race and I couldn’t match him and Romain was riding great too, so I’m happy with third. Although I didn’t win the GP, I still extended my point’s lead, so everything is working in the right direction. I’m looking forward to the next round in Matterley Basin.”

Jeffrey Herlings: “I definitely had a good start in the first moto, won it and stayed out of trouble. I didn’t have such a good start in the second and was around tenth. I worked my way up to sixth and then I had a big crash. But I came back from the back of the field and almost won the overall. There’s some work to do, but I still got some good points for the championship.”

Romain Febvre: “It is an amazing feeling for me and that second moto was almost the same as when I won my first GP last year. In the first race my start was not so good but I made a couple of passes and just held fourth place. The guys ahead were faster than me and Paulin was far behind so I rode to save some energy for the second race. I had a pretty good start in the next heat and passed the guys quickly. When I was in the lead I knew I had to try and pull away from Tony but I made a mistake and stalled the bike. Cairoli closed the gap and got me back. I lost a bit of the feeling for the track but could confirm second place. You know, when you are leading it is not always easy but it was easier today than riding in second because it was so difficult to pass! I kept smooth with my lines… and I need to learn from my mistake. I’m really happy for the team. It is not only my podium but theirs as well because they work so hard everyday to get on the box.”

Pauls Jonass: “But I struggled with the track in the second moto and I didn’t find the flow. It’s not the result I wanted but I got good points and that’s important for the championship.”

Clement Desalle: “The first moto was good and my starts were not holeshots but in the top three. I was actually running the same speed as Max but the track was very hard for passing. Later, I got a kicker on the take-off and went over the front. I almost saved it. I bent the handlebar. I restarted to finish fifth but it was very hard physically. It was still two top-five results today…but I want to win! We will keep working and see next time.”

Evgeny Bobryshev: “It’s been really hot this weekend and the track is not my compound so it’s been a tough weekend. Here it’s really tight and hard places so I was struggling a bit with the speed. But anyway, in the first race I had a bad jump so I was really in the back but squeezed between some riders to be in ninth. Then I managed to come through to sixth, but then there was a gap already so I couldn’t do any more so I just paced myself to stay in sixth. “The second race went pretty well though. I was good in the first few corners so I made some places and was fifth. Then after a few laps I moved into fourth and then could stay there until the end. I was trying to move forward, but I couldn’t get on well with this track and for me it was difficult to find one second a lap and keep it without making some mistakes so I was just controlling the pace behind me. For sure I wanted to get to the podium but I’m really happy I had consistent races and all day with the bike. We have done some changes since yesterday so big thanks to the team and we’re getting there.”

Gautier Paulin: “In the second corner I got hit by Waters in race two. I don’t know what he did, but he had like a high-side crash and hit me really hard and I went to the ground. I wasn’t so far from the good position so I’m so frustrated by that. It’s pretty much the same scenario as in Thailand where we have good qualifying but on Sunday we just couldn’t finalise it.
“It was a little more technical in race two because it was getting more rough so there was more difference between riders. I was riding one second off the pace of the leaders even when passing riders as I was coming from the back so I think this was really not too bad. The feeling is there, I don’t need to prove anything, just we need to start at the front on a track like this where once you’re at the back it’s almost impossible to come through the field. I did my best but I couldn’t fight with the riders I want to fight with, at the front. I’m not happy about my Sunday and when I know I could do something here, it’s pretty frustrating.”

Kevin Strijbos: “The first race was not that bad. I was a bit hesitant in the starts but I worked my way up to eighth in the first moto. Honestly I was not that happy with my riding and was not finding the good lines. I was too slow and getting tired. I got a good jump out of the gate in the second moto but again seemed to start braking half way down the start straight! I didn’t want to crash, I guess. It was difficult and I lacked power. The wrist was good and fine and no problems. Hopefully it will still be OK on Monday and start to build-up with some real training.”

Glenn Coldenhoff: “I am happy in a way to get through the motos. Yesterday I felt great here until the crash and I hurt myself. The pain was too much in the first moto and the people here did all they could to help with the taping and it was a big assist but…I still couldn’t really hold the bike. I took some more painkillers for the second moto and that was an improvement even if my start was not great. I couldn’t ride like I wanted but I think 19-15 is solid when you saw what happened yesterday. We have one weekend off and normally I would do an event in Belgium but I will sit it out and have some X-Rays tomorrow. I won’t be on the bike this week and we’ll see how it goes. I hope it will be better for Britain.”

Tyla Rattray: “It was a good weekend for me, even if I made a mistake at the gate in the qualifying race so I had a bad gate pick for Sunday. But I managed to get two great starts and finished seventh and eighth; the track was very rough and it was very hot so it was tough racing but I’m happy as I got two solid rides and the top five is right there. We’ll continue to work hard these next two weeks and I’m looking forward to racing in England.”

Julien Lieber: “I didn’t have the right feeling with the bike this weekend. We had been doing a lot of testing but here it wasn’t working. I wasn’t happy with my riding and also the result in the first moto. We made a lot of changes for the second moto and we could see some difference already from the start. I had a small crash but to finish fifth was a good way to end the GP.”

Brent Van Doninck: “I don’t know what happened in the second moto start. I wheelied a bit coming out of the gate and I think Brylyakov came across and touched my handlebars. I took Benoit with me and I made a front flip. I landed on the side of my head and my neck. I was riding again but I was a little dizzy and not focussed. I ended up crashing again. I wanted to do the same in the second moto as I did in the first but it did not turn out like that.”

Benoit Paturel: “It was a difficult weekend for me; no luck! I started well in the first race but in the second corner Seewer crashed in front of me. I always seemed to be coming back! The same in the second moto. I also fell off myself in that one. It was a bad day but I will work very hard for England.”

Xavier Boog: “For the first time this season we had very hot temperatures but I can’t complain; last week for the French Elite series we raced in the mud! I’m happy with the weekend; I have improved my results at each GP as you need to race here regularly to get a good rhythm. In the French series we’re only three or four riders racing for the win, that’s not the same! In the first race I was tenth but when I tried to pass for ninth I crashed in a corner and lost two positions. In the second moto I got some dirt in my goggles and had some troubles to see the track but I was still able to recover from seventeenth to tenth.”

Shaun Simpson: “I just wanted to try and finish the weekend on a high note really because we were thinking ‘when are we going to catch a break?’ And not just a rear brake! Goggles yesterday and brake: today we were pretty stressed out and it wasn’t the easiest GP. Anyway to finish the day with a sixth and hold eighth in the championship was decent. I’m ten points behind Villopoto now and the last moto concretes in my mind that fifth-sixth-seventh is my bracket at the moment and where I need to be. It will be a long drive home but I will think about my speed and the way I used the track to my advantage and my bike; we are not far away but we need to keep working really hard. We’ll have a little race in Belgium next weekend; a low-pressure job and just a ride-around. Between now and Matterley we’ll go back, drag everything out and get it looked over and sorted. Come Matterley we’ll be in a good position. It’s a track I quite like so if it’s prepared well then I could be in for another good day there.”

Petar Petrov: “There were a lot of positives from the weekend and Saturday was good with sixth position. In the first race I had a horrible start and but my riding was OK; I just couldn’t find a way to pass into twelfth place. The second start was much better and it was nice to be fighting up with Jonass, Anstie and Jeffrey. I ended up eleventh, so overall the results are not great but my riding is improving. I feel like I cannot wait for the next GP now.”

Jordi Tixier: “It’s always nice to be on the podium, even if everyone knows that I’m not at my best when it’s so hot. I did a good qualifying race yesterday despite a crash on the last lap, and today I had pretty good starts in both races. I was not feeling so good during the first ten minutes of the opening race, but then I found a good rhythm. In the second moto everything was OK during the first ten minutes, but then I started to get stomach cramps and couldn’t hold the pace. That’s it, we’ll continue to work to be stronger in the next rounds.”

Max Anstie: “ I had a very solid day, and got some good points in the championship. I had a strong first race, but I wanted to conserve some energy for the second race and didn’t push too hard; it was difficult to know what was best. I thought to myself “do I try to attack, but you need to be aggressive to pass here, or do I just conserve the energy”. I wanted to keep energy for the second race but it was not the same track. It was a mess; they watered the track so much. I got smashed up at the start and then nearly went down when Jeffrey crashed. We know what we can do on a hard pack, and we will continue to work on the bike to be ready for Matterley Basin.”

Dylan Ferrandis: “ I felt confident during the practice sessions, but in the qualifying race I crashed pretty hard on my head when I tried to pass Jordi. I don’t remember exactly what happened, and then this morning I hurt my knee and had some pain all day long. My first start was not so good but after I passed Zaragoza the rear brake disk broke though I can’t explain when and where! I was very happy to get the holeshot in the second race, but on the third lap I again hit the ground with my painful knee and couldn’t maintain the same rhythm. I go back home now, and will have further examinations to my knee.”

Aleksandr Tonkov: “The track was very one lined this weekend and the result was that pretty much everybody was running the same sort of pace. My FC 250 was perfect out of the gate in race one and I grabbed the holeshot, I led for a bit but made a few little mistakes and slipped back to fifth. I was pushing for another holeshot in race two but too much wheel spin saw me get boxed out in the first corner pushing me way back to 14th. Getting up to eighth was a good recovery.”

Todd Waters: “Race two put a dampener on what should have been a better day. I rode well in race one after getting a great start. The pace was hot and heavy up front but I gave it my all and placed ninth. It went a bit pear shaped in race two when I crashed at the start and broke my clutch lever. I got going again but it was hard on those hills with no clutch. It cost me a much better result.”

Dean Ferris: “I got a great start in race one and held third early on. But I think I sort of tensed up a bit and my arms turned to lead. I could barely hang on with arm pump. I was a bit gutted because I’d finally got the start I needed. Fourteenth and 16th aren’t the results I want but now that I’ve got my starts figured out hopefully I can begin racing at the sharper end of the field.”

Thomas Covington: “I was happy with my qualifying race on Saturday; racing is so easier when you got a holeshot! In the first moto I had a bad start and it’s always tough to come through the pack on this track. In the second moto I had a better start but had no more energy; I have been sick all week and my body was a little bit tired. But we’ll keep working and try to do better in the next rounds. The qualifying race gave me a little extra confidence; I showed myself what I can do, now I just need to put all the pieces of the puzzle together.”

Jeremy Seewer: “I felt pretty good on the track and my speed was there all weekend. Today I had some bad luck because in the first race I had a really good start into third place but then Anstie crossed the line and I hit his rear wheel. I was far behind and used a lot of energy to come back to 10th on a track that is not easy to pass. My riding was good though. I almost got the holeshot in the second moto but Ferrandis dragged me wide. I was around sixth-or-seventh, following Lieber when I made a small mistake and crashed. My strength went a bit after that and I focussed on keeping the sixth place safe.”

Brian Hsu: “We had some problems yesterday and I had to go to the LCQ which I won easily and it actually helped me learn the track a bit better but it meant a low position in the gate. The first race start was pretty good even though someone then took away my front wheel and I restarted dead-last and ended up just outside the points. Today my start was so good but on the third lap somebody hit me from behind and by the next lap I was having problems with the engine and the power was fading. I had to stop then. It was not a good weekend overall.”

Bas Vaessen: “Yesterday somebody crashed in front of me at the start and I went straight into them. I tried to come back and pushed for a few laps but then crashed again. I then was stuck in the position where I was and couldn’t really get any further forward. In the second moto everybody was riding like a train! I tried going inside and outside but couldn’t pass and I was overtaken myself. There was a lot of racing going on. The track was pretty slippery in places and grippy in others so it was hard to charge into every corner. I need to learn a little bit more about that.”

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