Scritto sabato 27 Settembre 2014 alle 09:56.


The result of the official ballot for order of qualifying gate pick here at the 68th edition of the Monster Energy FIM Motocross of Nations is as follows:

L’ordine ballottaggio per la 68esima edizione del Monster Energy FIM Motocross delle Nazioni che prende il via in meno di un’ora qui a Kegums, in Lettonia è il seguente:

  1. Isreal
  2. Slovenia
  3. Puerto Rico
  4. Denmark
  5. Ireland
  6. Russia
  7. Luxembourg
  8. Estonia
  9. Czech Republic
  10. Sweden
  11. Latvia
  12. Brazil
  13. Switzerland
  14. Spain
  15. Greece
  16. Australia
  17. Great Britain
  18. Croatia
  19. Lithuania
  20. France
  21. Canada
  22. Portugal
  23. Belgium
  24. Poland
  25. Slovakia
  26. Ukraine
  27. New Zealand
  28. United States
  29. Germany
  30. Italy
  31. Hungary
  32. The Netherlands
  33. Japan
  34. Finland