La preparazione per il Campionato mondiale FIM Motocross 2024 è già ben avviata e la Red Bull KTM Factory Racing mirerà a difendere il titolo MX2 e spingere per più bottini MXGP con la stessa formazione di piloti ma sotto una nuova gestione. Passando dal suo ruolo di coordinatore tecnico, Harry Norton ha assunto la posizione di Team Manager e il 29enne australiano guiderà gli sforzi dell’equipaggio e di Jeffrey Herlings, Andrea Adamo, Liam Everts e Sacha Coenen con la KTM 450 SX -F e KTM 250 SX-F nella serie da 20 colpi.

Norton è arrivato in Austria nel 2019 dopo una lunga collaborazione con KTM e KTM Australia nel suo paese natale, dove ha lavorato presso una concessionaria locale e poi anche sulla scena delle corse nazionale. La sua passione per le moto da cross e le competizioni lo rendevano ansioso di sfondare nel fulcro delle attività motoristiche della fabbrica in Europa. I suoi modi disinvolti e la sua competenza tecnica gli hanno permesso di stringere un rapporto immediatamente vantaggioso con il debuttante Tom Vialle; il francese ha vinto un Gran Premio nella sua prima stagione e la coppia ha vinto due campionati del mondo MX2 nei tre anni successivi.

Norton ha rapidamente assunto un ruolo determinante all’interno dell’organizzazione Red Bull KTM Factory Racing ed è stato visto come il naturale successore di Dirk Gruebel nel 2023 come coordinatore tecnico del team. L’equipaggio è stato sottoposto a un importante rinnovamento con tre nuovi piloti e un completo ripristino dello staff tecnico mentre KTM guardava al futuro. Norton è stato in grado di schierare la squadra verso la quindicesima corona MX2 con la KTM 250SX-F grazie al primo passo positivo con Adamo, e anche aiutare Herlings a raggiungere un nuovo record di vittorie di tutti i tempi di 103 Gran Premi trionfa nella categoria MXGP e con la KTM 450 SX-F.

La Red Bull KTM Factory Racing gareggerà negli eventi pre-campionato MXGP in Spagna, Italia, Francia, Olanda e Regno Unito prima che la stagione inizi in Argentina il 10 marzo.

Harry Norton, Team Manager del Red Bull KTM Factory Racing: “La gente mi ha chiesto come mi sento a riguardo e la risposta è semplicemente: emozionato. È stato un sogno lavorare per questa squadra, e renderla una delle figure chiave e avere un tale contributo nel modo in cui andiamo a correre è il livello successivo per me. Ho avuto intorno a me alcune delle migliori influenze possibili, come Dirk, Peter [Tillerkvist], Robert [Jonas] e Pit [Beirer], e voglio ringraziarli per il loro aiuto e per aver condiviso la loro esperienza. Abbiamo davanti un’altra grande stagione e con gli stessi obiettivi di sempre. Abbiamo una squadra forte e lavoreremo con la stessa passione e la stessa dedizione per ottenere ciò che possiamo”.






Harry Norton as MXGP Red Bull KTM Team Manager. Pictured with Robert Jonas

Preparation for the 2024 FIM Motocross World Championship is already well underway and Red Bull KTM Factory Racing will aim to defend their MX2 title and push for more MXGP spoils with the same rider line-up but under new management. Stepping up from his Technical Co-ordinator role, Harry Norton has assumed the position of Team Manager and the 29-year-old Australian will guide the efforts of the crew and Jeffrey Herlings, Andrea Adamo, Liam Everts and Sacha Coenen with KTM 450 SX-F and KTM 250 SX-F machinery in the 20-round series.

Norton arrived in Austria in 2019 after a long association with KTM and KTM Australia in his native country where he worked at a local dealership and then also around the national racing scene. His passion for dirtbikes and competition meant he was eager to break through to the hub of the factory’s motorsport activities in Europe. His easy-going manner and technical proficiency allowed him to forge an immediately beneficial relationship with rookie Tom Vialle; the Frenchman won a Grand Prix in his first season and the pair scooped two MX2 world championships in the following three years.
Norton quickly assumed an instrumental role inside the Red Bull KTM Factory Racing organisation and was seen as the natural successor to Dirk Gruebel in 2023 as Team Technical Co-ordinator. The crew underwent a major revamp with three new riders and a wholesale reset of technical staff as KTM looked to the future. Norton was able to marshal the squad to a fifteenth MX2 crown with the KTM 250SX-F thanks to the positive first step with Adamo, and also help Herlings reach a new all-time win record of 103 Grand Prix triumphs in the MXGP category and with the KTM 450 SX-F.

Harry’s positive growth and growing influence means he will take the reigns of the MXGP operation for 2024, backed by Gruebel, Team Co-ordinator Valentina Ragni, Team Trainer Joel Smets and other figures such as new Technical Co-ordinator Stefan Simpson.
Red Bull KTM Factory Racing will be competing in MXGP pre-season events in Spain, Italy, France, Holland and the UK before the season begins in Argentina on March 10th.
Harry Norton, Red Bull KTM Factory Racing Team Manager“People have asked me how I feel about this, and the answer is simply: excited. It was a dream to work for this team, and to make it as one of the key figures and to have such an input into how we go racing is next level for me. I’ve had some of the best possible influences around me, such as Dirk, Peter [Tillerkvist], Robert [Jonas] and Pit [Beirer], and I want to thank them for their help and for sharing their experience. We’ve got another big season ahead and with the same goals we always have. We have a strong team and we’ll work with the same passion and the same dedication to achieve what we can.”
Robert Jonas, Vice President Offroad Racing“Harry has reached this position based on qualities that we really appreciate and we really value. He is passionate about the sport and dedicated to the brand: he already has a long KTM history and made a huge change to travel across the world and chase his professional dreams. He not only has the technical knowledge but has shown a high willingness to learn and can evaluate situations very well. What is also important is his character: Harry is open, friendly and calm and these are essential qualities for a race team that needs good organisation, a good atmosphere and to face the drama that sport can bring. We really believe in him. 2023 was already a test of what he can do and now he’s directing one of our most successful Red Bull KTM teams. We are confident that he, Valentina, Dirk and all the guys have a strong 2024.”





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