Scritto lunedì 20 Giugno 2022 alle 07:51.


Tomac diventa il quarto vincitore della stagione del campionato Lucas Oil Pro Motocross
con la vittoria al culmine

Tiebreaker dà a Jett Lawrence la quarta vittoria di classe 250 diritta

Condizioni meteorologiche perfette con temperature miti e cieli parzialmente nuvolosi hanno dato il tono al debutto sulla costa orientale del 50° anniversario del campionato Lucas Oil Pro Motocross, sancito da AMA Pro Racing. La tradizione della festa del papà dello sport è stata protagonista del quarto round della stagione 2022 con la 45a corsa del Lucas Oil Stabilizer High Point National dal leggendario High Point Raceway. La battaglia per la vittoria nella classe 450 ha visto Eli Tomac di Monster Energy Star Yamaha Racing diventare il quarto vincitore diverso in altrettante gare, prevalendo tramite tie-break per la prima vittoria con la sua nuova squadra. Nella Classe 250, i fratelli Lawrence hanno rubato la scena con un’emozionante battaglia per la vittoria, da cui Jett Lawrence del Team Honda HRC è emerso tramite tiebreak per la sua quarta vittoria consecutiva.

HIGH POINT NATIONAL RD4 2022 – Full Video Races!

Classe 450
Moto 1

Quando il gruppo della Classe 450 ha preso d’assalto la prima curva, è stato Chase Sexton del Team Honda HRC a emergere con l’Holeshot di MotoSport.com, battendo di poco Joey Savatgy di Monster Energy Kawasaki e Justin Barcia di Troy Lee Designs/Red Bull/GASGAS Factory Racing. Mentre Sexton è scattato via e ha stabilito un vantaggio di oltre due secondi nel giro di apertura, Savatgy e Barcia si sono impegnati in una vivace battaglia per il secondo posto, mentre Jason Anderson e Tomac di Monster Energy Kawasaki hanno chiuso rispettivamente dal terzo e quarto posto.

La lotta per un posto sul podio ha visto il suo primo cambiamento quando Anderson ha forzato il problema e ha effettuato un passaggio aggressivo su Barcia per il terzo posto. Tomac è poi andato all’attacco e si è fatto largo da Barcia per il quarto posto. Anderson ha mantenuto lo slancio e si è avvicinato al suo compagno di squadra per il secondo posto, dove ha fatto un rapido lavoro su Savatgy per assumere il secondo posto. Circa due giri dopo Tomac lasciò Savatgy dal podio con un passaggio impressionante per il terzo posto.

Quando la manche ha raggiunto il suo punto di partenza, Sexton ha ottenuto un vantaggio significativo di oltre 10 secondi su Anderson, che a sua volta si è seduto quasi cinque secondi davanti a Tomac. Si stabilirono nelle rispettive posizioni fino a quando Anderson non incontrò sfortuna e scese dal secondo al quarto, il che permise a Tomac di assumere il secondo e Savatgy di rivendicare il terzo. Una volta che Anderson è stato in grado di ricomporsi, ha effettuato il sorpasso su Savatgy per rivendicare l’ultimo posto sul podio. Lo sforzo di recupero di Anderson è continuato quando si è presto avvicinato a Tomac per iniziare una battaglia in ritardo per il secondo posto.

Sexton era in una classe tutta sua in attacco e lo ha fatto sembrare facile con una performance wire-to-wire che gli ha portato la sua terza vittoria in moto della stagione. Ha tagliato il traguardo con 11,6 secondi di vantaggio su Tomac, che ha tenuto a bada Anderson al terzo posto. Barcia è seguito al quarto posto, mentre Savatgy è arrivato quinto nonostante la forte pressione di Ryan Dungey della Red Bull KTM Factory Racing e Ken Roczen del Team Honda HRC.

Moto 2

L’ultima manche del pomeriggio ha visto Dungey caricare in testa al suo primo Holeshot MotoSport.com della stagione mentre il duo Honda di Sexton e Roczen ha dato la caccia. Roczen è stato in grado di superare il suo compagno di squadra per entrare in seconda e ha portato quello slancio in un passaggio per il comando. Dungey ha risposto immediatamente e ha rivendicato il primo posto per completare il primo giro, ma Roczen si è ripreso. Sexton è poi arrivato secondo, il che ha messo Dungey nel mirino di Anderson al quarto posto. Il pilota Kawasaki si è mosso per prendere il controllo del terzo posto.

Mentre Dungey ha dato la caccia ad Anderson, è stato Tomac a sorprendere entrambi i piloti con una mossa due a uno che lo ha visto salire dal quinto al terzo. Il pilota Yamaha era in carica e si è subito avvicinato a Sexton per il secondo posto. La pressione dal terzo ha spinto Sexton ad aumentare il ritmo e ad avvicinarsi a Roczen. I primi tre sono stati separati di poco più di un secondo mentre la manche si avvicinava al giro di boa.

Un paziente Sexton ha aspettato il suo momento e ha premuto il grilletto su un passaggio che gli ha dato il vantaggio, ma poco dopo un bobble ha permesso a Roczen di rivendicare la posizione. Ciò ha permesso a Tomac di attaccare Sexton per il secondo posto, costringendo il leader della classifica a un altro bobble di cui il pilota Yamaha ha approfittato. Sexton è stato quindi costretto ad affrontare la pressione di Dungey per il terzo posto.

In attacco, Tomac è passato in testa con un passaggio enfatico su Roczen a poco meno di 13 minuti dalla fine. Una volta in vantaggio, Tomac ha preso le distanze dal campo e ha rapidamente costruito un vantaggio di quasi cinque secondi. Presto Roczen e Sexton hanno combattuto per il secondo posto, con Sexton in grado di prendere il sopravvento a quasi otto minuti dalla fine. Roczen in seguito ha perso il terzo posto a favore di Dungey, che fino ad ora ha goduto del suo miglior sforzo stagionale.

Tomac ha mantenuto il suo vantaggio per il resto della manche e ha portato a casa la sua terza vittoria di manche della stagione di 3,5 secondi su Sexton. Roczen si è caricato in ritardo per effettuare un sorpasso all’ultimo giro su Dungey per il terzo posto.


Nelle vittorie in moto, Tomac (2-1) e Sexton (1-2) sono finiti in parità in cima alla classifica generale, ma Tomac ha prevalso per la 28a vittoria della sua carriera in virtù della sua vittoria in Moto 2, che gli ha assegnato lo spareggio. Di conseguenza, Tomac ora ha il possesso esclusivo del terzo posto nella lista delle vittorie di tutti i tempi della Classe 450. Sexton ha continuato la sua serie di quattro vittorie consecutive sul podio con un secondo posto, mentre Anderson è arrivato terzo assoluto (3-5) dopo un quinto posto nella manche finale.

Eli Tomac, Monster Energy Star Yamaha Racing
“Sembrava che dovessi capire meglio le mie linee nella prima manche. Questo è quello che ho fatto in Moto 2. Abbiamo apportato un piccolo cambio alla moto che ha aiutato molto e siamo stati in grado di fare dei buoni sorpassi e guidare la nostra gara. È fantastico ottenere la vittoria e salire in cima al podio per la prima volta per Star Yamaha”.

Chase Sexton, Team Honda HRC
“Ho solo lottato con quanto fosse instabile la pista. Non mi sentivo bene come nella prima manche, ma Eli (Tomac) stava guidando alla grande. Avevo solo bisogno di abbassare la testa. Abbiamo rimbalzato bene e sono soddisfatto del risultato di oggi”.

Jason Anderson, Monster Energy Kawasaki
“La seconda manche è stata una lotta per me. Non riuscivo a trovare il flusso. Prenderemo gli aspetti positivi, cercheremo di capirlo e faremo meglio ad andare avanti. Voglio essere di nuovo in testa a lottare per la vittoria, ma questi ragazzi stanno guidando davvero bene in questo momento”.

High Point National – 450 Class

High Point Raceway – Mt. Morris, PA

AMA NATIONAL HIGH POINT 2022 – Results and points!






Tomac Becomes Fourth Different Lucas Oil Pro Motocross Championship Winner of Season
with Win at High Point

Tiebreaker Gives Jett Lawrence Fourth Straight 250 Class Victory

Perfect weather conditions with balmy temperatures and partly cloudy skies set the tone for the East Coast debut of the 50th Anniversary of the Lucas Oil Pro Motocross Championship, sanctioned by AMA Pro Racing. The sport’s own Father’s Day tradition headlined the fourth round of the 2022 season with the 45th running of the Lucas Oil Stabilizer High Point National from legendary High Point Raceway. The battle for victory in the 450 Class saw Monster Energy Star Yamaha Racing’s Eli Tomac become the fourth different winner in as many races, prevailing via tiebreaker for the first win with his new team. In the 250 Class, the Lawrence brothers stole the show with a thrilling battle for the win, from which Team Honda HRC’s Jett Lawrence emerged via tiebreaker for his fourth straight victory.

HIGH POINT NATIONAL RD4 2022 – Full Video Races!

450 Class

Moto 1

As the 450 Class field stormed into the first turn it was Team Honda HRC’s Chase Sexton who emerged with the MotoSport.com Holeshot, narrowly edging out Monster Energy Kawasaki’s Joey Savatgy and Troy Lee Designs/Red Bull/GASGAS Factory Racing’s Justin Barcia. As Sexton sprinted away and established a lead of more than two seconds on the opening lap, Savatgy and Barcia engaged in a spirited battle for second, as Monster Energy Kawasaki’s Jason Anderson and Tomac closed in from third and fourth, respectively.

The fight for a spot on the podium saw its first change when Anderson forced the issue and made an aggressive pass on Barcia for third. Tomac then went on the attack and made his way by Barcia for fourth. Anderson kept the momentum rolling and closed in on his teammate for second, where he made quick work of Savatgy to assume the runner-up spot. About two laps later Tomac dropped Savatgy off the podium with an impressive pass for third.

As the moto reached its halfway point Sexton enjoyed a significant lead of more than 10 seconds over Anderson, who in turn sat nearly five seconds ahead of Tomac. They settled into their respective positions until Anderson encountered misfortune and dropped from second to fourth, which allowed Tomac to assume second and Savatgy to claim third. Once Anderson was able to recompose himself he made the pass back on Savatgy to reclaim the final spot on the podium. Anderson’s recovery effort continued as he soon closed in on Tomac to initiate a late battle for second.

Sexton was in a class of his own out front and made it look easy with a wire-to-wire performance that brought him his third moto win of the season. He crossed the line 11.6 seconds ahead of Tomac, who held off Anderson in third. Barcia followed in fourth, while Savatgy finished fifth despite heavy pressure from Red Bull KTM Factory Racing’s Ryan Dungey and Team Honda HRC’s Ken Roczen.

Moto 2

The final moto of the afternoon saw Dungey charge ahead to his first MotoSport.com Holeshot of the season as the Honda duo of Sexton and Roczen gave chase. Roczen was able to slip past his teammate to slot into second and carried that momentum into a pass for the lead. Dungey responded immediately and reclaimed the top spot to complete the opening lap, but Roczen got back around. Sexton then followed through into second, which put Dungey into the crosshairs of Anderson in fourth. The Kawasaki rider made the move to take control of third.

As Dungey gave chase to Anderson it was Tomac who surprised both riders with a two-for-one move that saw him surge from fifth to third. The Yamaha rider was on a charge and quickly closed in on Sexton for second. The pressure from third pushed Sexton to increase his pace and close in on Roczen. The top three were separated by just over a second as the moto neared the halfway point.

A patient Sexton bided his time and pulled the trigger on a pass that gave him the lead, but a bobble shortly thereafter allowed Roczen to reclaim the position. That allowed Tomac to attack Sexton for second, which forced the point leader into another bobble that the Yamaha rider took advantage of. Sexton then was forced to deal with pressure from Dungey for third.

Back up front, Tomac stormed into the lead with an emphatic pass on Roczen with just under 13 minutes remaining. Once out front, Tomac distanced himself from the field and quickly built a lead of nearly five seconds. Soon Roczen and Sexton battled for second, with Sexton able to get the upper hand with nearly eight minutes to go. Roczen later lost his hold of third to Dungey, who enjoyed his best effort of the season thus far.

Tomac maintained his advantage through the remainder of the moto and brought home his third moto win of the season by 3.5 seconds over Sexton. Roczen put on a late charge to make a last-lap pass on Dungey for third.


In trading moto wins, Tomac (2-1) and Sexton (1-2) finished in a tie atop the overall classification, but Tomac prevailed for the 28th win of his career by virtue of his victory in Moto 2, which awarded him the tiebreaker. As a result, Tomac now has sole possession of third on the all-time 450 Class wins list. Sexton continued his four-race podium streak with a runner-up effort, while Anderson finished third overall (3-5) following a fifth-place result in the final moto.

Eli Tomac, Monster Energy Star Yamaha Racing
“It seems like I need to figure out my lines better in the first moto. That’s what I did in Moto 2. We made a small bike change that helped a lot and we were able to make some good passes and ride our own race. It feels great to get the win and get on top of the box for the first time for Star Yamaha.”

Chase Sexton, Team Honda HRC
“I just struggled with how choppy the track was. I didn’t feel as good as I did in the first moto, but Eli (Tomac) was riding awesome. I just needed to put my head down. We rebounded well and I’m satisfied with the result today.”

Jason Anderson, Monster Energy Kawasaki
“The second moto was a struggle for me. I couldn’t find the flow. We’ll take the positives, try to figure it out, and be better moving forward. I want to be back up front battling for wins, but these guys are riding really well right now.”

250 Class

Moto 1

The opening 250 Class moto got underway with Pennsylvania native Seth Hammaker well in front of the field aboard his Monster Energy/Pro Circuit/Kawasaki to capture the MotoSport.com Holeshot, followed by teammate Jo Shimoda and Team Honda HRC’s Hunter Lawrence. As the field worked through the opening portion of the track Lawrence made the pass for second, while Shimoda was forced to fend off Troy Lee Designs/Red Bull/GASGAS Factory Racing’s Michael Mosiman. Behind them, Jett Lawrence, the championship leader, started just outside the top five.

As both Hammaker and Hunter Lawrence established themselves out front, the battle for third continued. After Mosiman made an outside pass on Shimoda stick for third, the GASGAS rider kept charging and was able to close in on Lawrence to establish a battle for second. The two riders traded momentum before Mosiman was able to make the move and secure the position. Behind them, Jett Lawrence made multiple passes to climb up to fourth.

Mosiman’s speed made him the fastest rider on the track and it allowed him to make big gains on Hammaker’s advantage. Once he got within striking distance of the lead, Mosiman made quick work of Hammaker and easily seized control of the top spot 12 minutes into the moto. With the lead in hand, Mosiman quickly opened a multi-second advantage over the field, which left Hammaker and Hunter Lawrence to fight it out for second. Lawrence found a smoother line around the outside of one of the track’s downhills and surged by Hammaker to move into the runner-up spot.

Just past the halfway point of the moto, Mosiman got stuck in a rut and tipped over. The misfortune allowed Lawrence to assume control of the lead and Hammaker to take over second, while Mosiman remounted in third. The clear track worked in Lawrence’s favor, as he built a lead of nearly three seconds over Hammaker. Mosiman continued to lose ground in third, which allowed Jett Lawrence to move into podium position. The defending champion didn’t stop there and methodically closed in on Hammaker to make the pass for second in the closing stages of the moto.

Hunter Lawence cruised to his second moto win of the season by 4.4 seconds over his brother, who moved forward from a seventh-place start. Shimoda made a last-lap pass for third around Hammaker, who finished just ahead of Mosiman to complete the top five.

Moto 2

The second moto kicked off with a sweep of the MotoSport.com Holeshot for Hammaker, where he was sandwiched between the Lawrence brothers. Hammaker was able to nose his way to the head of the pack, while Hunter and Jett settled into second and third, respectively. Unfortunately for Hammaker, a tip over on the opening lap dropped him deep in the top 10 and set up a showdown between the Lawrences. Behind them, Monster Energy Star Yamaha Racing’s Justin Cooper gave chase from third.

Just over five minutes into the moto Cooper started to run the fastest laps on the track, which allowed him to make the move on Jett Lawrence for second. The point leader battled back, which pushed both riders onto Hunter Lawrence’s rear fender for a three-rider battle for the lead. As Cooper started to look for alternate lines to apply pressure on first, it opened the door for Jett Lawrence to reclaim second, all while Hunter Lawrence held on to an advantage of less than a second.

Jett then set the pace on track and started to put heavy pressure on Hunter. Just before the halfway point of the moto Jett was able to take advantage of a slight bobble by his brother and made the pass for the lead. Together, the Lawrences easily distanced themselves from Cooper to make it a two-rider affair in the battle for victory.

The Australian siblings were separated by mere bike lengths from one another for several laps and stayed in touch with one another as they navigated lapped traffic. With less than 10 minutes to go Hunter made an impressive pass for the lead on a downhill section and looked to inch away. However, Jett responded and went back on the attack. As the final five minutes passed Jett made his move and was able to make the pass stick to reclaim the lead for a third lead change between the pair. Lapped riders then created some separation between the Lawrences and allowed Jett to open up a gap of more than two seconds in the final stages.

Jett extended his lead to more than four seconds, which paid off on the final lap as Hunter put on a late push. They took the checkered flag separated by a half second, as Jett prevailed with his fourth moto win of the season. Cooper finished in a distant third.


After trading victories, the Lawrence brothers finished tied atop the overall classification for the first time with identical moto scores, but the tiebreaker was awarded to Jett (2-1) by virtue of his second moto win. It’s the ninth overall victory of his career. Hunter settled for second (1-2), while Shimoda rounded out the overall podium in third (3-5) after a fifth-place finish in the final moto.

Jett Lawrence maintained his 12-point lead in the 250 Class standings over Hunter, while Shimoda strengthened his hold of third, 49 points out of first.

Jett Lawrence, Team Honda HRC
“I had to get him (Hunter Lawrence). If not, he would have gained points on me. At least we tied (for the overall). I relaxed for a little bit (in Moto 2) and it allowed Hunter to get me back, but I was able to get by him again. We didn’t lose any points today so it’s good.”

Hunter Lawrence, Team Honda HRC
“It’s ok (to finish second). I’ll get him (Jett Lawrence) back another day, for sure. We traded motos today. It’s Father’s Day, so hopefully we gave our dad the best Father’s Day he could have.”

Jo Shimoda, Monster Energy/Pro Circuit/Kawasaki
“Today was a much better day for starts.That’s what I was looking for. I’m not feeling the best, but i kept pushing and pushing and got third overall. I’m happy with that.”


High Point National – 450 Class

High Point Raceway – Mt. Morris, PA

AMA NATIONAL HIGH POINT 2022 – Results and points!



